The return of the "How are you today?" thread

So you get to collect coffee and clean :p!

Going up north for the weekend for an extended familiy reunion thing. I barely know most of them and its my brother who does all the talking while I sit there, and hes off in the Caribbean so its going to be fairly awkward and shit. I plan to dissapear in the woods with weed and go fishing, only to reappear at dusk with a line covered in pickerel, or perhaps a hare or two. :cool:
Tee-heeee, so fucking excited. A friend called me yesterday to tell me we had been asked to play/sing for this shitty online tv inauguration event thing so we went today, rehearsed a tad beforehand, played 3 songs, felt like shit cause it was in an outdoors pub thing and people were looking and passing by and stuff, but after we were done, two peoplez showed up and took our phone numbers and gave theirs and one of them asked us to play at some "tralala Serenade" called event thingie DONNO WHAT EXACTLY and she asked how much we wanted for a performance!! We were like WTF and took a while to figure out and I think I want a chocolate croissant or something. :kickass:
I'm terribly bored and stuck at home due to a middle ear catarrh since four days, more boring days to come.
And I just had a good laugh at the new Blind Guardian vid :(
Im totally gayfag for square dishes :/ Im hoping to get some for my birthday :p
make sure it's not out of melamine! :waah:

so... i will buy the blue leopard dress, but i'll buy it under my bf's name, so i get 20 percent off, a blowdryer set with 21 accessories and 3 blue/green travelling bags...
it seems i'm a total gayfag when it comes to semi-free stuff :blush:
It is a dark and stormy night here, thus I am relatively disappointed.

We've had thunderstorms in our forecast for the last two months. Always being pushed back to the end of the week. Yesterday we had a few thunder crashes but nothing spectacular. The entire fiasco was over in three or four minutes. I am waiting for that one huge storm to come rolling over. Should be awesome.
Hows the wife and kids :p

Last day of Food theory and sitting in a classroom reading books! YAY!
We finished yesterday actually, so today we are just going to walk aorund the town in our swank uniforms looking at stores and shit.