The return of the "How are you today?" thread

Fucking Fantastic day.

I went to a job fair for kitchen and hospitality workers. I basically wow'd the shit out of them with my additude, and was able to actually talk food and discuss shit with the people interviewing me. First time I've had a job interview where I didn't know wtf to say and was on the brink of shitting myself. Was hired on the spot too, I start in three weeks, and will begin perparing and plating fruit and/or cheese platters for the local University's Catering company :D:D:D:D

I even walked in with doubts, 2 blocks from my bus stop as I was going to interview, a bird shit right on my head :/
:lol: That is actually good luck, so it was an omen that you would do well. Congrats faggot :p

Roommate said the same thing, only he didn't call me a faggot, he called me a my pals.

A friend and I watched some documentry on vitamins, raw foods and nutrients, claiming modern medicine is mostly fucked up. It was interesting, except I don't agree with the whole "Eat everything raw" shit.

An interesting thing they mentioned was cleansing. The film suggested you drink 1.5-2L of water every morning, before you drink or eat or do anything. "You have to cleanse the toxins out of the cells, before they are able to accept new nutrients". Also a lot of talk on Spurilina (sp) and wheatgrass and shit.

Claiming all that shit can stop, and even reverse cancer. I plan on trying out the water thing (Jus downed a 1.5L bottle feel liek shit), as well as drinking spurilina powder as my roommate bought a lot months ago, and never eats it.

I'll report back to see if I'm ultra fit and healthy in a month.
Roommate said the same thing, only he didn't call me a faggot, he called me a my pals.

A friend and I watched some documentry on vitamins, raw foods and nutrients, claiming modern medicine is mostly fucked up. It was interesting, except I don't agree with the whole "Eat everything raw" shit.

An interesting thing they mentioned was cleansing. The film suggested you drink 1.5-2L of water every morning, before you drink or eat or do anything. "You have to cleanse the toxins out of the cells, before they are able to accept new nutrients". Also a lot of talk on Spurilina (sp) and wheatgrass and shit.

Claiming all that shit can stop, and even reverse cancer. I plan on trying out the water thing (Jus downed a 1.5L bottle feel liek shit), as well as drinking spurilina powder as my roommate bought a lot months ago, and never eats it.

I'll report back to see if I'm ultra fit and healthy in a month.

Its just another theory based on a vague idea that makes "sense" to uninformed people. The body does not "cleanse toxins" out of cells using massive amounts of water. More often than not, our natural in-built alarm and regulation system is able to provide us with sufficient/excess water, through both food and liquid consummation, though drinking clean water instead of soda hasn't hurt anyone yet.
And the "raw food" thing is particularly bullshit. It's the same old junk in raw food as in prepared food, what happens chemically in preparing food(disregarding things like frying everything to death and beyond, which obviously is a retard move) is going to happen to the food inside your body anyways, whether it happens before or after consummation has virtually no impact on your nutritional gain, and in turn, healthiness.

Everything in moderation, work out, avoid trans-fats(but "all fats = evil" is a dangerous lie that you should never believe, we need fat, but again, moderation), is the accepted "rule-of-thumb" today, no?

You may FEEL a lot healthier though, heck, people even take homeopathic medicine and get better now and again. Placebo can work wonders :p

Do report back though, I'm interested to see if there's any effect, even if its negligible or whatever.
Oh I'm not going Raw foods. Fuck that, I was sitting there bitching at the movie at that part and my friend told me to shut up :/. I'm going to drink 2L of water before I eat or drink anything else every morning, and start stealing my roommates Spurilina . Well, I'll ask to use it, he says it tastes so bad he just doesn't want it. I think If I mix it with 2oz of water I can just shoot it back.

The film was more about nutrients and vitamins, and how we get barely any compared to what we should, and its a government conspiracy to keep peoples immune systems down, so they need to constantly buy drugs and spend money on doctors. Claiming, doctors will tell you vitamins are pointless, and a waste of time, and can even be dangerous when you take too much, and all that is bullshit.

The multivitamin I started taking made me throw up in the mornings after about a month on it :( so I just stopped taking it.

Movie was called Food Matters btw

My physician has never told me to use supplements, in fact he advices against it.. And so does the whole "surgeon general" thingy in Norway. There's been a whole thing about putting fruit and veg back into diets of people in Norway for like decades, we got free fruit and milk at school when I was there. The fruit and veg prices are sort of too high imo, but nothing i have ever seen implies that the "government are puttin us down yo". Conspiracy theorists see what they want to see.

Until the government actually comes home to each and every person and hand-feeds them the "wrong amount of nutrition", they should just shut up.
I can't imagine that pouring down more than 1 l of water in the morning before eating anything will help cleaning your cells, but it will most probably promote your digestion :grin:
I know a guy who swears that the best way to start your day is pouring down a bottle of soda and eating an apple. Never tried, never will. The mere imagination to replace a nice breakfast with just water and an apple is horrible :lol:
An interesting thing they mentioned was cleansing. The film suggested you drink 1.5-2L of water every morning, before you drink or eat or do anything. "You have to cleanse the toxins out of the cells, before they are able to accept new nutrients". Also a lot of talk on Spurilina (sp) and wheatgrass and shit.

Enjoy your water poisoning. Yes, you can actually die from drinking too much water in a short amount of time.

My physician has never told me to use supplements, in fact he advices against it.. And so does the whole "surgeon general" thingy in Norway. There's been a whole thing about putting fruit and veg back into diets of people in Norway for like decades, we got free fruit and milk at school when I was there. The fruit and veg prices are sort of too high imo, but nothing i have ever seen implies that the "government are puttin us down yo". Conspiracy theorists see what they want to see.

Until the government actually comes home to each and every person and hand-feeds them the "wrong amount of nutrition", they should just shut up.


Was the jist of it. Too much supplements aren't bad, depending on what it is. Taking too much protein supplement will fuck you're liver up, that I've heard. Either way, the whole superfoods thing is interesting, so I think I might as well try it.

I can't imagine that pouring down more than 1 l of water in the morning before eating anything will help cleaning your cells, but it will most probably promote your digestion :grin:

Thats the point :p
When you're body uses up fat cells, or disposes of waste, it comes out your butt.

Enjoy your water poisoning. Yes, you can actually die from drinking too much water in a short amount of time.

Yes, we all know, Xboxfag got pwnd.
I'm not chugging back a water cooler or anything.

I want to go on one of those cleanse diets where you shit out 5 years worth of toxins and red meat stuck in your bowels at the end. I want everyone in my house to do it, biggest shit wins.


Thats the point :p
When you're body uses up fat cells, or disposes of waste, it comes out your butt.

>When you are body
>when stored matter(fat) for the purpose of future energy gets spent, it comes out your butt

I don't see the causal relationship between a increased digestion and a higher amount of "waste" flushed down the toilet by that :lol: The more doesn't neccessarily mean the better :p


your post confused me more than muffin's.

the water isn't really a big deal :/ I was more on the spurlinz0rs that Im going to eat.
Everyone should drink a shitload of water all the time anyway.


What? When you burn off 5lbs of fat, where did that fat go? You're body consumed it, used it as energy, and has waste product leftover.

You poop that out. Its physics, the weight doesn't just evaporate off of you.
Ummm... I tried to say that I don't see why consuming and exuding a higher amount of liquid should increase the amount of pollutants the liquid washes out of your body. Maybe it doesn't make sense at all, dunno :lol:
I dont know, piss talk is just lulz.
Anyway, there is no way in hell am I doing this shit for a month. I just got trolled by a vegan.
Look at this fucking shit.

The powder is a deep, dark, deathly green, and smells like fish food flakes.

And mixes into this horrible liquid. I've had worse, but alot of it clumped up because its such a fine powder. Which means I'd need more water than that, which means I can't just shoot some of it back.
You need to chug it back, allloot of it, and it tastes just like fish-food, only more, plant like. it contains like %350 daily intake of Chlorophyll.


I did half that cup and dumped it in the toilet, and it turned my toilet green.

Done, I bought a 1kg rack of pork ribs and 1/2lbs of beef for making hamburgers, in order to settle this hamburger argument thats been happening at home.

They are fucking not, "just as good."
That looks fucking horrible. Reminds me of one time I asked my mom for blue milk. She put a shit ton of blue food colouring in it to try and make me not want to drink it but I did anyways. My grandmother got pissed at me (OMFG CANCER) for drinking it, but the blue shits I took the next few days were worth it :D
I made cupcakes for my friend`s (now roommate) birthday, some were blue and purple mixed on the inside, some were a very deep deep dark green. In order to get the right ``forest green`` colour I wanted, we just used a shitload of colouring. I ate about three of them the day we made them, next day shit pure green. Then we served them and I had a good lol all night when I saw people going at them. They were fruit filled :blush:


I went to sleep at about 10:30, and woke up at 4:30am full of energy. Tried for 30min to fall back asleep but its not happening. Kinda worrying. I also ate McDonalds yesterday for the first time in months, a few hours before the spurilina. Something about eating the most toxic, unhealthy food, followed by the most nutrient dense, protein enriched superplant....Its like eating fire and ice.

I might have to try this plantwater stuff again.