The return of the "How are you today?" thread

We then decide to pay him a hooker,


In Brazil?!
tired as dicksauce, in neenah, wisconsin on the set of extreme makeover: home edition helping out my dad. it's a fucking spectacle here, first day and we have over 9000 flaming retard spectators asking shitty questions i don't have the answers to. and they all want to see ty...that's all they care about. it's gonna be fucking hell when spectators are actually allowed this week...i expect a couple thousand, probably more. but the plus is that i get to be apart of this amazing work and chicks think you're the tits if you're working there
actually it was the only soap opera i ever watched, but that was ages ago :p a shit lot of girls were named after Jade at the time
tired as dicksauce, in neenah, wisconsin on the set of extreme makeover: home edition helping out my dad. it's a fucking spectacle here, first day and we have over 9000 flaming retard spectators asking shitty questions i don't have the answers to. and they all want to see ty...that's all they care about. it's gonna be fucking hell when spectators are actually allowed this week...i expect a couple thousand, probably more. but the plus is that i get to be apart of this amazing work and chicks think you're the tits if you're working there

Sweet, you are getting one of those super houses!?
I'm glad being so retarded is paying off. :cool:
I thought those were the dirtiest of places to get a hooker, so my head went through a few dimensions after reading that you had paid for one, specifically for him. STD's brah.
Lol, I love how you had to post a picture of Africa to emphasize your point. Dude Texas sucks ass, Oklahomo is worse though. 46 C when you're out in all your battle gear feels like 130f in whatever Celsius that is.
:lol: the first pic is the city's bus station. The second is in my university, the building where most of the people in courses in exact sciences take their classes during the first years.

And holy crap 46C :zombie: