The return of the "How are you today?" thread

FFs Joe, I can't get that stupid song out of my head, what have you done to me :erk:

@Evelyn: ... my PhD will be in physics, hopefully that'll be less Chinese :erk:
@Deadly&Vikk: Yeah, it's kind of the same story like with Nightwish and Sirenia (only the latter have always had not-so-brilliant singers, IMO :lol:), which led to a more or less general opinion that the band isn't the same anymore. And even though I don't really agree with this SINGER = BAND thing, there've been a fuckload of line-up changes within the band, so I don't even know. :lol: But yeah, main point is that Vibeke had a gorgeous voice and figure, but Mariangela is getting there too, I wish they'd stop wanting her to use her head voice cause PEOPLE IN TRISTANIA, shesnotVibekeandshewillneverbe so I'll never understand why they don't try to exploit the good aspects of her voice, cause she actually possesses a massive voice but you can only see it in the chorus of this song and that "Raaaaaaaaaaain on empty sheeeeeeeeells" part in Down and fuck, fangirlism took over already. Stop of rant. But yeah, she's much better than that Aylin girl, she's better than Anette even and I don't even know why I'm even comparing, cause it's silly and obvious and well yeah. :cool:

ONTOPIC: Having milk'n'cereals in front of the computer in the morning. Go eye cancer!! :kickass: :kickass:
ONTOPIC: Having milk'n'cereals in front of the computer in the morning. Go eye cancer!! :kickass: :kickass:


So far pretty shitty day :/
Was almost late to class, was about 5 minutes away with 15 minutes to spare, and I realized I forgot my entire tool kit for the kitchen. I almost broke my nose doing a facepalm.

So I had to make up an excuse telling the school I'd be late, race home to get my shit and come back. Was about an hour late, and the class was doing cinnamon buns.

So the entire class to had to pick up my slack and weigh out my ingredients for me, its the first day in the kitchen so I'm TRYING to catch up but don't know where shit is or how to do anything. In my cluster fuck I ended up making more and more mistakes and couldn't get out of that negative mind-set. I was the last one to get to put all my stuff in the oven so there was never right amount of room. Half my cinnamon buns were overcooked, and are rock hard.

On top of that I finally get a message from my new boss. The training day they have for all the new workers is the same time as class for me, and they basically got back to me today saying I can't work there unless I miss a class. Weeeee.

And my fancy new non-slip shoes were fucking slipping, and hurt my big toe after 2-3 hours of use >8(!!!
I had a nightmare about... Facebook? I feel proud of myself for not having one. (...Yet...)
So restless sleep all night, and high on lack of sleep right now.
Had one of the worst days I've had in a long time.
We learned to make caramel in class, I fucked up REALLY hard and burned the sugar spilling it all over the grill.
Then when I was panicking with the sugar my blueberry coulis burned up.
Then when panicking about the coulis I lost one of two of my hand-towels, which I needed to hold the hot handel on the pan to pour the blueberries through a strainer into another pan.
Because I only had one hand to use, my SECOND batch of caramel burned up....and I had to deal with two pans of hot, burned sugar-water, as well as the hot burned pan of blueberries.
Burned my fucking hand on the sheet pan for our rye breads.

Spent WAY too long plating my banana bread french toast, and the chef grabbed it and goes "okay....this is horrible. I'm going to use it as an example as what not to do."

Felt so shitty. I don't think I've ever tried so hard at something to turn out so awful, feels bad man.
Had one of the worst days I've had in a long time.
We learned to make caramel in class, I fucked up REALLY hard and burned the sugar spilling it all over the grill.
Then when I was panicking with the sugar my blueberry coulis burned up.
Then when panicking about the coulis I lost one of two of my hand-towels, which I needed to hold the hot handel on the pan to pour the blueberries through a strainer into another pan.
Because I only had one hand to use, my SECOND batch of caramel burned up....and I had to deal with two pans of hot, burned sugar-water, as well as the hot burned pan of blueberries.
Burned my fucking hand on the sheet pan for our rye breads.

Spent WAY too long plating my banana bread french toast, and the chef grabbed it and goes "okay....this is horrible. I'm going to use it as an example as what not to do."

Felt so shitty. I don't think I've ever tried so hard at something to turn out so awful, feels bad man.

:lol: The teacher sounds like a prick. But just relax and you'll get the hang of it, every mistake makes you better. But :lol:s still sucks, I'm afraid of this happening to me in my lighting class, since I really hate setting up the lights, with the covers and stands and angles and all that shit :p last time I did it was a nightmare and I burned my hand too.
Two fail days in a row, that sucks indeed :( Hope it works better for you tomorrow.

:lol: The teacher sounds like a prick. But just relax and you'll get the hang of it, every mistake makes you better. But :lol:s still sucks, I'm afraid of this happening to me in my lighting class, since I really hate setting up the lights, with the covers and stands and angles and all that shit :p last time I did it was a nightmare and I burned my hand too.

d'aww, and shit did go much better. Half the class did not put their yolks into their chocolate mousse, and mine turned out excellent :cool:
Though I wasted 4 eggs, I got down to separating my last one, and it exploded in my hand getting yolk everywhere and all into my whites D:

Corn Muffins also rocked.

Holy crap is this place boring lately

This website is not a forum. It is my blog, feel free to comment on my daily life.
That reminds me I have chicken to prepare. Fuck. Glad everything is going a lot better though, I did laugh my ass off your past 2 failures. But you learn from your mistakes and yadda yadda yadda. Just put the French in their place, they're not the best cooks in the world.
My friends got me somewhat drunk last night which was nice of them.
Then they decided to watch the movie "kids". That was not so nice.

The people in that movie are the biggest dirtbags. Reminded me of downtown Hamilton :/
Scott Pilgrim=Winrar

i'll never watch another Micheal Cera movie :)

My friends got me somewhat drunk last night which was nice of them.
Then they decided to watch the movie "kids". That was not so nice.

The people in that movie are the biggest dirtbags. Reminded me of downtown Hamilton :/

i watched Kids (zomgpedo) at my early teens, shit fucked me up bad :lol:
My friends got me somewhat drunk last night which was nice of them.
Then they decided to watch the movie "kids". That was not so nice.

The people in that movie are the biggest dirtbags. Reminded me of downtown Hamilton :/
:lol: Virgin Surgeon. It was ok, reminds me of the neighborhood I lived in when I was a young teenager :lol:
i'll never watch another Micheal Cera movie

Wise man.

i watched Kids (zomgpedo) at my early teens, shit fucked me up bad :lol:

Don't be a pussy :lol: you live in South America, which should make the events in that movie look like a game of T-Ball.
well, at the time things weren't that bad :p since then i had a gun into my face a couple times :lol:
:lol: Virgin Surgeon. It was ok, reminds me of the neighborhood I lived in when I was a young teenager :lol:

Hamilton Gore Park: The Motion Picture.

Those kids are such grreeeaasseeebags. "Smell my fingers!"
"wooah that smells good....let me get that again!"