The return of the "How are you today?" thread

Yeah that echo an the other noises (some of which where added by you trying to remove the noise), can be easily fixed by someone who knows their shit... and why is your voice so sexy??
Got braces put in earlier today.
My face hurts.
i need braces, but i don't want to make an appointment with an orthodontologist :zzz:. i also have to take an x-ray(?) of my back at the radiologist's, but i don't want to make an appointment for that either + you have to take yar clothes off + my doctor's note dates back to March 1st :cool:
i always imagined you having a bass voice :lol:
Why do you have a polite British accent?
he's obviously hiding his Chinese inhelitence :blush:
You sounded like a well educated, classical Borat. Also, after 1:00 it was difficult to make out what you were saying but I got it eventually. Cool subject indeed man!
i need braces, but i don't want to make an appointment with an orthodontologist :zzz:. i also have to take an x-ray(?) of my back at the radiologist's, but i don't want to make an appointment for that either + you have to take yar clothes off + my doctor's note dates back to March 1st :cool:

You can probably ignore the teeth unless they're REALLY fucked up, but the back is probably worth getting checked out imho.

I hate making appointments for shit like that too, although I should probably make one soon with a clinic as I think I need a booster shot for a certain vaccine or else I won't be able to work on international ships...
I biked home from my friends part at 11:30 which was much later than I wanted to leave at, 20 minute bike ride about. It was cold as fuck and rainy all night.

Get home, no keys, have to go back and get some off roommate. Was so frustrated I biked past my friends street, like a good 5 minutes or so, and I was just about at my other friends house, when I realized "wtf am I doing" and went back. Got the keys, biked agggain to home, and got in bed about 1am.
Really??? Holy fuck :lol: Well if Hitler had succeeded no gypsies would have been around... :o don't you see, the whole Third Reich was set up to save you from losing your shit in the future.