The return of the "How are you today?" thread

Fuck me, I think we were drunker than the people we were supposed to be initiating the other night. Oh well, not our fault they didn't drink the booze we bought them.
Isn't Kids the movie written by Harmony Korine? That guy is drug-fucked in the head and a total screw up, yet he has made his way into life as a recognized producer and screen writer :lol: Gummo and Trash Humpers are fucked up movies. I don't recommend them :lol:
No, Larry Clark wrote and directed it, same guy who did Bully... but I thought he did Gummo too, guess he didn't... weird :lol:

EDIT: Nevermind looks like that guy did co-write it with Clark.
@Deadly&Vikk: Yeah, it's kind of the same story like with Nightwish and Sirenia (only the latter have always had not-so-brilliant singers, IMO :lol:), which led to a more or less general opinion that the band isn't the same anymore. And even though I don't really agree with this SINGER = BAND thing, there've been a fuckload of line-up changes within the band, so I don't even know. :lol: But yeah, main point is that Vibeke had a gorgeous voice and figure, but Mariangela is getting there too, I wish they'd stop wanting her to use her head voice cause PEOPLE IN TRISTANIA, shesnotVibekeandshewillneverbe so I'll never understand why they don't try to exploit the good aspects of her voice, cause she actually possesses a massive voice but you can only see it in the chorus of this song and that "Raaaaaaaaaaain on empty sheeeeeeeeells" part in Down and fuck, fangirlism took over already. Stop of rant. But yeah, she's much better than that Aylin girl, she's better than Anette even and I don't even know why I'm even comparing, cause it's silly and obvious and well yeah. :cool:
since those bands still release music under the same name you can't help but to compare... i'm not saying she's a bad vocalist, not at all. and i'm not saying a singer makes the band, but he/she does define the music that is made, more than let's say... a guitarist does. i'm just saying that a band that changes singer (and the new one has a very different vocal use/voice) should imho either change their name or stop bringing new versions of older songs, because that just doesn't work... (i don't like mariwatsername's version of Down :p).
^It's a formal letter of invitation to a symposium to be held at Washington University, St Louis (yeah not as cool as DC but hey), this next October. Explicitly stating I won't have to pay :cool:

@Joe: :lol: I won't ever buy a hooker. See, I'm too fucking awesome for that. Hookers should be paying *me* to sex them up! :p Plus, we probably won't see any money. They'll simply buy stuff for us, and that'll be it. Unfortunately, cause there's a lot of shit I want to buy :|

But yeah, thanks :D
^It's a formal letter of invitation to a symposium to be held at Washington University, St Louis (yeah not as cool as DC but hey), this next October. Explicitly stating I won't have to pay :cool:

@Joe: :lol: I won't ever buy a hooker. See, I'm too fucking awesome for that. Hookers should be paying *me* to sex them up! :p Plus, we probably won't see any money. They'll simply buy stuff for us, and that'll be it. Unfortunately, cause there's a lot of shit I want to buy :|

But yeah, thanks :D

do eet, fucking 60% tax
Missouri is nice, but, you're litereally SURROUNDED by the worst states imaginable: Kentucky, Tennessee, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Nebraska, Iowa. Honestly, Illinois is alright though.
So I went to Seaworld on sunday, got to watch some crazy Dolphin show thing, ride giant rollercoasters, and walk in a tunnel full of sharks, and pet some sting rays and stuff. Was pretty fun.

Monday I went to a spring that is somewhat near us, and since I haven't been to one since I was like 10, I forgot how fucking cold they are. Holy diamond nipples batman. So yeah, went there, and swam up the stream, that was a workout and a fucking half :l

Yesterday, we went to Islands of Adventure and managed to get on every ride like twice because we went early before it was packed. The new Harry Potter park was pretty cool even if you have no interest in Harry Potter, such as myself. And lastly, we saw Scott Ian at the park with his family. He had just gotten off of the Hulk before us and we saw him walking through the crowd.

Missouri is nice, but, you're litereally SURROUNDED by the worst states imaginable: Kentucky, Tennessee, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Nebraska, Iowa. Honestly, Illinois is alright though.

Yeah, that's pretty much the boring ring of the US. I can't say too much positive for any of those states :l living in Tennessee had to be the most boring 5 months of my life.
That belongs in the "Lame Vacations no one gives a fuck about" thread made by StephenSLR


I'm totally not cutout to do sugarwork :(
Sugar is fucked up.
Is anybody here good at removing noise from stuff? I recorded something that I need for my trip but the voices are really quiet in comparison with the noise :(
Ionna it depends on the noise, you can run it through Adobe Audition or even audacity and might be able to get rid of some of the noise/make it quieter and also increase the volume of the talking with some effects but again, it depends on the type of noises. If it's like humming froma shitty mic that is easy to fix but other things can get tricky. if I recall Nerve or Vikk should be the guys to go to for this. I know how to do simple shit but you are gonna want someone who knows wtf they're doing a lot more than me :lol: Ask me in a year, learning pro tools this year niggas :cool:
I know how but I'm bad at it and its tedious as fuck. :(

I just got in trouble from my roommate for sleeping in 15 minutes.
Apparently we are to stick to our daily routines, and never change them, because they will throw off his entire day...I was in the shower when he normally takes his morning shit (which takes so long the guy doesn't have time to shower in the morning its fucking gross). This is now more ridiculous than the "no talking after 11" rule that he tried to enforce...because he was tired and had work at 8am, and the guy who has work at 6am was keeping him up too late being noisy.

guh :/