The return of the "How are you today?" thread

very good,some gipsy robbed my ipod and phone when I was asleep, woohhppiieee

lulz gipsys good thing we don't have gipsys here I have a Croatian mate said when he was like twelve gipsys cornered him stole everything gun money shoes left him for dead this was like in the middle of the war/genocide with the Serbians has a personal dislike of them reckons he'd shoot em' on site.
Jesus Christ, and you live in a country that normally speaks English too.

Playing poker with some people we dont know that well, $10 buy in, and they're noobs so me and my roommate pretty much tear the table apart. Bad luck comes and roommate is knocked up so he sorta communicates to me through texting and we team up. Ride comes early, is in a hurry and has to go. The total pot is about $100, and I have 75% of the chips. fuuuucking broke even when i shoulda had the whole fucking thing >8(!!!!!!!!! FUCK WHY DID THEY SHOW UP SO FUCKING EARLY....had I not taken the ride woulda been stranded. :(

Anyway, my new job is retardedly fun and awesome even when I'm doing the shit jobs.
School we are stopping with the bullshit baking and going to stocks and sauces and knife work.
im kinda drink and FINNALLY...FFIINNAALLLYY filing my 2009 taxes and getting rich overnight. Shits good.
Jesus Christ, and you live in a country that normally speaks English too.

"Normally" It's the key word here but it's utter bullshit when Aussies meet internationals even "English speaking north Americans" they struggle understand the "lingo" langauge, I believe something similar was posted here by me a while back.

It's a bit like a lot of Aussies go to quickly when talking or bend langauge to suit ourselves it translates normal between eachother but seems utterly retarded to people like you, I think it has a lot to do with the broad mix of different cultures (namely Skips, Greeks, Italians and Middle Easterns) that exist in a place like Melbourne.

So what happens is words get shortened "Afternoon" becomes "Arvo", "Breakfast" becomes "Brekkie" and acronyms are not exempt from this horrible corruption of the English langauge LOL is phonetically altered it's more or less pronounced "lulz" so it's now spelt "lulz" in anouther case "fuck off and die" is now more pretty much a swear word pronounced "Foad" similar to "Toad" but not in all cases "WTF" is still the full thing ie. "What the fuck".

Sorry to alert you to the fact that other people outside of Ontario, Canada may interpret the Queens a little differently than yourself old matey but such is life.
"Normally" It's the key word here but it's utter bullshit when Aussies meet internationals even "English speaking north Americans" they struggle understand the "lingo" langauge, I believe something similar was posted here by me a while back.

It's a bit like a lot of Aussies go to quickly when talking or bend langauge to suit ourselves it translates normal between eachother but seems utterly retarded to people like you, I think it has a lot to do with the broad mix of different cultures (namely Skips, Greeks, Italians and Middle Easterns) that exist in a place like Melbourne.

So what happens is words get shortened "Afternoon" becomes "Arvo", "Breakfast" becomes "Brekkie" and acronyms are not exempt from this horrible corruption of the English langauge LOL is phonetically altered it's more or less pronounced "lulz" so it's now spelt "lulz" in anouther case "fuck off and die" is now more pretty much a swear word pronounced "Foad" similar to "Toad" but not in all cases "WTF" is still the full thing ie. "What the fuck".

Sorry to alert you to the fact that other people outside of Ontario, Canada may interpret the Queens a little differently than yourself old matey but such is life.

Wow, you're so stupid you don't realize why people are calling you stupid. I like how you didn't use any aussie slang, I made fun of your English, and you type out that 3 paragraph response judging me for not understanding ridiculously easy to understand slang.

Pay attention.

lulz gipsys, Good thing we don't have gipsys here. I have a Croatian mate said when he was like twelve, gipsys cornered him and Stole everything. Gun, money, shoes... and then left him for dead. This was like, in the middle of the war/genocide with the Serbians, so he has a personal dislike of them. Reckons he'd shoot em' on site.

See me after class
lulz gipsys good thing we don't have gipsys here I have a Croatian mate said when he was like twelve gipsys cornered him stole everything gun money shoes left him for dead this was like in the middle of the war/genocide with the Serbians has a personal dislike of them reckons he'd shoot em' on site.

lulz good thing you have no house.

I even pay for train tickets,I think I deserve the privilege to fall asleep while being überdrunk and not getting robbed. Well yeah, my fault :erk:
I think it has a lot to do with the broad mix of different cultures (namely Skips, Greeks, Italians and Middle Easterns) that exist in a place like Melbourne.

The fact that Australia was a British penal colony doesn't help either, generally speaking prisoners aren't stellar examples of spoken language.
My neck hurts like a bitch >8(

Chewing painkillers like candy, but it might as well BE candy. Effect = none.

And of course, neck pain breeds headaches..
BBQ for 1800. I had in my hand a 20L bucket of hamburger grease....I put it down for a second to go ask what to do with it. Coworker, another new guy like me, just goes and starts dumping the thing in the sink......Fucking retard. Then the shift ends, because of a lot of union bullshit we can't stay late and work, we're only aloud a maximum weekly hours, which I hit. So I spent close to an hour cleaning this fuckers mistake that I'm not getting paid for...and he fucking leaves going "well they aren't paying us so we should go!"....Kinda hard to leave a clogged sink full of grease when I'm trying to look good and get an apprenticeship, soo I did it myself. I wanted dunk his fucking head in that water.


Beer then sleep, feel like shit from eating nothign today but mars bar crepes.
I left a note saying something along the lines of "soandso clogged the sink, tried my best to get it going, flows now but its slow and can't spend anymore time on it" he'll see I was there an extra hour on my timecard and the other guy was not, and hopefully he gets fucking fired or yelled at for being such a massive tool.

Seriously, foreign people are the best. If you're working with old people in a dead end job, their either foreign and trying to support their kids and family so they can have a better life in a good country....or they are white people who were here their entire life, and slacked and never bothered to step up beyond minimum wage working. >8(!

This whole...having a life thing is time consuming :(
I stayed behind for class an extra 3 hours last week so I could clean some dishes while the Afternoon class was doing their final exam. Today they presented me with a Tim Hortons gift card <3!!!!
Wow, you're so stupid you don't realize why people are calling you stupid. I like how you didn't use any aussie slang, I made fun of your English, and you type out that 3 paragraph response judging me for not understanding ridiculously easy to understand slang.

Pay attention.

See me after class

Blah blah blah so fucken what Canada I'm a lazy keyboardest and you're a teacher well done, Take note while we're in learning mode I used "You're" as in "you are" which is the correct one I only raise this as I noticed in a few of your posts you used your instead of you're but didn't think a spelling lesson was nessercery