The return of the "How are you today?" thread

^Greatest. Post. Ever.
I did them a few months ago. The 2 right, then 2 left a couple weeks later. Just do it, get it over with because it sucks ass regardless of when you do it. And I could have sworn Canada has the best health care in the world, they just need some Independence like the the good Ol' US. As for me, being in the military, I was actually paid for getting my wisdom teeth extracted --> We just need to learn how to treat our civilians as well.
Canada has ok healthcare, but far from the best... actually it's pretty shit if you get sick, but at least you don't have to pay. Most things are covered here, except for obvious shit like cosmetic stuff... but for some reason dental work is NOT covered. If it's an a emergency, they might but other than that you're fucked. And hey, we got "independence" in 1867... but we were still sovereign... I think sometime in the 50's they let us go somewhat, then in 1982 we finally got our own constitution and bill of rights.
Actually, the dentist had to bring his kid to visit someplace and I walked flat into his closed office. My mum COULD have told me that the extraction was ALMOST scheduled. Result: still have them teeth, will travel with them, and take them out heaven knows when. :(
I could have sworn Canada has the best health care in the world.

I watched bits of the documentary 'Sicko' by Michael Moore, Canada is better than the USA and there are US citizens crossing the border to take advantage of it.

England has a very good set up, ours seems to be pretty similar.

I could be wrong, but I think the Governor General is the highest office in our political system, or at least it is called that, it's more an honourary thing because that person is the "representative of the Queen" in Canada... and yeah, I mean it's kinda cool to be part of a monarchy, just because it's a cultural nicety to have, but fuck if they are to make any real decisions. Let the cunts feel special and keep their money, that's all.
History of sovereign nations:

France settles Canada.
England settles the States.
England pwns France.
Colonials pwn England.
Canada pwns America.
Australia is still the shithole that the scumbags got shipped off to.

End of discussion :loco:
When I was leaving Toronto, I was chatting to a girl from Halifax.

She recommended I visit the place.


Also any opinions of Vancouver and Calgary?

I liked Canada and gotta see some more sometime, the guy I did the Route 66 tour with says his other tour goes from Las Vegas to Banff, I may just do that one in a couple of years.

Never been to NS or BC. But guess what, they're both coastal areas. NS is lowlands, fishing, shit like that... guess it is less populated and kinda shitty. BC is mountains, forestry, wine, shit like that... Vancouver is full of foreigners though.
I have a huge religion exam tomorrow.... gotta pass... I need the points to help me pass my huge Swedish exam damnit.
Anybody know anything about confucianism n' shit? Or jesus? Or anything?

I'm gonna die.

-> back to reading about buddhism
When I was leaving Toronto, I was chatting to a girl from Halifax.

She recommended I visit the place.


Also any opinions of Vancouver and Calgary?

Depends on what you like. Canada is a big country and different cultures (depending on ancestral settlers) have altered each region. Its like saying "I need to visit Europe!". Each country is going to be different, just like each province here will have its differences.

BC is full of really epic mountains, hippies who smoke too much weed, and Asians.
Halifax is full of sodomizing fishermen, pubs, and Celtic folk players...and people who's family have been in Canada for centuries but still talk with a Scottish accent.
Toronto is more fast-paced city, also full of Asians.
My cousins from Alberta all are dieing to see Toronto, CN tower and all...Canada's Wonderland, or whatever its called now :/ (amusement park). I stayed with them once when I was 13 in Calgary. Its about 30-45 minutes away from the first mountains in the Rockies. So we spent the day just driving to the BC border and back, most amazing day of my life still. Only mountains I've ever seen, and I just sat there listening to music all day staring out the window. Stopping every few hours to look around and shit. Sulfur mountain was kinda lame though :(.

Northern Ontario and Quebec look like Scandinavia with no mountains, Eastern Canada looks like Northern UK, BC looks like California...and Scandinavia. Alberta-Manitoba flat grass lands of gay.

arctic is arctic.
My cousins from Alberta all are dying to see Toronto, CN tower and all.

I did that when I was there.

Its about 30-45 minutes away from the first mountains in the Rockies. So we spent the day just driving to the BC border and back, most amazing day of my life still.

Mountains are cool, while driving down Route 66 the best scenery to me was from New Mexico onwards, after each turn the scenery changed, some of it looked typical of Western movies with all the mesas, others like lunar moonscapes. I envy all those towns that have a massive mountain just sitting in the background.

California surprised me, I wasn't expecting so much desert so close to L.A. On the way in to L.A. I skipped San Bernardino so the next day I drove out there to retrace the part of Route 66 I missed. Via interstate was pretty spectacular as it follows the mountains but returning along R66 was a bit lame. It's all modern, very little R66 attractions, was just like driving through suburbs at home.

I was thinking to do a driving tour across Canada but East to West looks like a helluva long trip.
