The return of the "How are you today?" thread

Eat a lot of cheap, greasy food while you are there and get really fat for when you go back home.
Fat people are like kings in 3rd world countries.
Here's some trollbait, eat it! :D

... I did buy 10 pizzas for $10 though. And 10 cans of pringles for $15. And waffles. And syrup. :erk:

So, when you buy stuff at amazon in north america, do you need to be there to sign it? I want a kindle but I doubt I'll be home much.
If you're not home when they mail it to you they take it to the post office for you to pick up.
I stole my roommates pizza for breakfast found a hair in it :(
My amazon stuff is violently stuffed in my mailbox. Once I lost my mailbox key and I had to unwrap my ps2 game inside my mailbox before I could get it out of there.
Yeah, the case broke :lol:
Driving on the right is extremely fun. I got back on Saturday, drove from Germany, through Netherlands, Belgium, France. Nice 11 hour drive.

Autobahns are amazing*

*If they didnt have so many fucking road works bringing me down to 80kph.
Official definition of Autobahn is "high speed track in need of repair".

Seriously, when driving home on Saturday night I got passed by an idiot with full speed, he nearly ran into the car in front of us, then hardly managed to pass it by tearing the wheel so hard he nearly crashed into the middle guardrail instead. Moron.
Pretty shitty so far. I planned on going out job hunting today with my friend and we had planned this since last week. He instead decided today would be a better day to sit at home and smoke weed and browse dumb shit on the internet... Like he does everyday. I then call my girlfriend like I do every morning, just to catch the blunt side of her crappy mood for having to wake up early for the job she should be grateful for having. So I decided to walk down to the Subway 30 minutes away from here with my application. I get there and they tell me that I have to do a questionnaire online before I can turn it into them. I walk back home, do the questionnaire, and walk back down there. The manager had left by that time and I just got the typical "We're not hiring, there hasn't been a lot of turn-over anywhere lately."

I managed to keep my cool, and it was whatever. I walked next door to the Pizza Hut, which was packed full of people, and sat down and waited to ask if they have any positions open. After everyone had left, I of course asked the manager if they were hiring. He laughed at me and said "Nothing is hiring" While he was already walking away from me. I sat there for 20 minutes in a fucking Pizza place to practically get ignored by a dumb my pals who gave me 3 words while he had his back to me. Awesome.

I really wish life had cheats like GTA to destroy all cars and instantly spawn RPG's :(
Official definition of Autobahn is "high speed track in need of repair".

Seriously, when driving home on Saturday night I got passed by an idiot with full speed, he nearly ran into the car in front of us, then hardly managed to pass it by tearing the wheel so hard he nearly crashed into the middle guardrail instead. Moron.

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What really made me think was, just a few seconds afterwards I couldn't have told what car it was or what colour it had, let alone the number. One doesn't notice such things while being annoyed. I always wondered why it's so hard to find any witnesses for car crashs or anything, but now I understand better.
Driving fast is fun and that's why people don't get how dangerous it is. Most people need a serious crash which kills them to realise what can happen.

Well at least they caught Kevin Russell, car crash promi of the year...But heeeey 2 years for fucking up 2 lives, that's justice.
Driving fast is fun and that's why people don't get how dangerous it is. Most people need a serious crash which kills them to realise what can happen.

Well at least they caught Kevin Russell, car crash promi of the year...But heeeey 2 years for fucking up 2 lives, that's justice.

The only issues I had with driving to Germany was in Belgium, honestly, those cunts drive too slowly, and with complete lack of skill. Ill put this in perspective, most countries will use their speed limits as the speed of the road (lol). France they will near enough be touching their 130kph speed limits, in the UK, we exceed our 113kph speed limits because we only get banned if we do over 160kph, or points endorsed if we do over 70mph and a police car is on the motorway (which is never). In Belgium I was driving at the UK speed limit of 113kph to conserve fuel and keep up a certain pace (which 70mph/113kph is easy to maintain). Now im told that the BE speed limits are 120kph, and im telling you I was more than worthy of fast lane driving at 113.

Some stupid Belgian cunt decided to come into the middle lane where I was without check mirrors and nearly having an accident with me, all because they couldnt be arsed to allow merging traffic onto the motorway, she was driving that slowly that she wouldnt have hit merging traffic in a month of Sundays anyway.
Yep, it's annoying when people drive 50 kmh in 50kmh zones. 60 is what the speedometer should say in this case :D
Don't get me wrong, when I was working and needed to drive every day I used to be a fucked up driver, always driving tooo fast on the autobahn, but I always kinda felt ashamed afterwards because it's shit and tbh I did the ''mit 100 inne kurve'' when I was driving on a acceleration lane which happend to be a curve. It did turn out good but just because I was driving some fucking expensive VW and I had luck. That was soooo dumb and I'm never gonna drive like I did in that period again.

Good thing I cant effort a car and I dont need one because I dont trust myself. It's too sad to see all those crosses on the Autobahn and people still do worse shit like I did every day.
Not just Germany though man. I found it a funny learning curve that I drove through five different countries with 4 different languages and 5 different ways of thinking, but the tricks, mistakes and morons were all the same. German motorways were safe as houses compared to UK motorways. German motorways, everyone is wanging it one, UK motorways, fast lane traffic are wanging it one (160+) and slow lane traffic are barely doing 90. Too much difference in speed causes accidents.