The return of the "How are you today?" thread

lol 97 years and all he got was a cruise.

im good, im in my new house for the rest of the week. 28 acres of land, big house. pool table, satelite tv, beer, dsl and atvs. God bless America
Temperature here must have dropped like 20 degrees in a matter of minutes. It was a beautiful, shiny day when I got to school, but as soon as I stepped into the classroom the sky got all gray and shitty.

I ran all the way back home so I could warm up a little. Now my lungs hurt and my nose is burning inside:(
Good... got back from karate and bought new headphones for my iPod. I get promoted to orange belt on Friday :kickass: but I got to get someone to cover my shift for work that day. And I'm still worried about having to learn how to drive really soon and my English and Harmony I finals, but whatever happens, happens.
i just woke up. i want to go back to sleep.

"ladies and gentlemen... the maggot master!"
Got back from Shadows Fall at 1AM, ready to take a final at 9AM, throw up when I get home, either it was the pizza or a flu/cold relapse, up til 2AM puking my guts out....late to final, but my teacher didn't care, I finished the final and came home.