The return of the "How are you today?" thread

fucked up, just like every other year with my birthday. It's funny how every eyar something is always fucked up on this freaking day. Well it was naive to think that it would be diffrent this year...
fucked up, just like every other year with my birthday. It's funny how every eyar something is always fucked up on this freaking day. Well it was naive to think that it would be diffrent this year...
way to double post you fuck up!

Im going to Canada's Wonderland tomorrow for free, those int he area know how amazing tomorrow will be. Woot!
I feel like shit. Depression FTL. I attract psychos and stalkers, my brain says "fuck you" to trying to be a student, and I have to go to counseling because of this and other shitty issues.
I don't know how i feel, nothing's new...

@LR, Awwww... I sometimes hate being a female, just like Nikki said before :(
I'm really sad, because of emotional problems in my life.

I'm not going to say what they are, but I'm going to tell you that I have them, just so people go "0mgwhats wrr0000nng!?!?!" and people talk to me.
I feel like shit. Depression FTL. I attract psychos and stalkers, my brain says "fuck you" to trying to be a student, and I have to go to counseling because of this and other shitty issues.

Once again, I'd like to apologize for my rudeness/cruelty towards you lately (ie: that picture edit) I see you're going through a rough time as of late and you don't need some douche like me making things worse (if I even bother you in the slightest that is, if not then good for you for not letting stupid shit bug you but just incase, I'm sorry :p)

Worst PMS ever...:erk::cry:

*hugs* :( Feel better!
i'm scared shitless... all night the last two days i've been hearing a whistling that doesn't exists outsde of my skull...

is that an ear infection?? or an inner ear problem or what-the-fuck?!

like whistling! like really high whistling! and i don't have health insurance...
Im sad cause i dont know the english word for what happened to my wrist. They say its more painful than breaking it. Tomorrow im going to the doctor to make a photo if anything IS actually broken in my hand, cause i cant even open a door :erk: This may ruin wacken, but atm i dont really care about anything cause the way it happened was fucking awesome :lol:
-[chop]-;6380441 said:
Sounds like tinitus...i could be wrong tho...

noyou're right. i just looked it up. so it could either be an ear infection or a lasting effect from the gig i attended the night before last.

thanks. i hope it goes away soon :( couldn't sleep