The return of the "How are you today?" thread

cuz he acts all ghey like that, he's one of the trolls here. Trying to make everything seem ridiculous. You'll notice once you come around here more often
cuz he acts all ghey like that, he's one of the trolls here. Trying to make everything seem ridiculous. You'll notice once you come around here more often

From my perspective, it hardly seemed that way. Rather, it appeared you took offence to his witty, if a tad harsh, post, when you should've sucked it up. Jist some 2 cents, like.
From my perspective, it hardly seemed that way. Rather, it appeared you took offence to his witty, if a tad harsh, post, when you should've sucked it up. Jist some 2 cents, like.

you really haven't been here that long, have you?

don't worry, after he does that 25 more times, you'll understand
Omgwhats wrr000nng!?!?! :(
WHATS WRONG!!!??!?! I got fucking lost on the way home from Wonderland, fucking ended up in your smelly town. The Petro Canada we stopped at on Salem had the fanciest gas station I've ever seen, it looked like a coffee house or somthing. :lol: :p.

We got really, really lost :p.
cliff is ghey
cuz he acts all ghey like that, he's one of the trolls here. Trying to make everything seem ridiculous. You'll notice once you come around here more often

you really haven't been here that long, have you?

don't worry, after he does that 25 more times, you'll understand

Wow, I remember not too long ago you made a dick-post showing off that you blocked me. What happened to that? Did you put me on suspension or something?

You are one of the huge dorks that think they are one of the "cool regulars" here, as if being an internet regular has ever been cool. You're just a snobby cunt who likes to try and be above all the other "trolls" and "ghey people", when you are worse than them for thinking you are some kind of status symbol here in Ultimate Metal's sewage plant.

I rarely come here now...You, however, would die after 4 days without being here from lack of any kind of social life. Go get turned down by girls in the real world for a change and get off you're high horse you filthy cunt.
I just threw you off my ignore list cuz I was naive enough to think you would've changed in the past months

I don't care about being a regular, I just try to have fun while posting and idiots like you stand in my way of that.

and fyi I have just been gone 5 days and didn't even bother to read any of the shit that happened in that time
only difference is that i work at a factory running 3 machines at a time, and its VERY fast-paced. you work at a convenience store. LOL

I fight drunks, fend off potential rapists, get robbed, catch theives/shoplifters ontop of being a clerk, janitor, bouncer, paperboy, etc... My job entails a lot of stuff. It's not like I stand behind a counter and eat candy and do fuck all. So don't even give me that shit :lol: Plus I work 4-5 days a week, 8-10 hour shifts.
I fight drunks, fend off potential rapists, get robbed, catch theives/shoplifters ontop of being a clerk, janitor, bouncer, paperboy, etc... My job entails a lot of stuff. It's not like I stand behind a counter and eat candy and do fuck all. So don't even give me that shit :lol: Plus I work 4-5 days a week, 8-10 hour shifts.

lol, i worked at a convenience store before, i know what goes on. i work 5 -6 days a week, always 8 hours unless im asked to work overtime, which i havent yet, thank goodness.