The return of the "How are you today?" thread

^ Real Monsters..

Bored out of my mind in class right now. On a lighter note, after classes I'm going to buy tickets for Ensiferum.
lolz, i went shopping too, :lol:
i bought a buzzypass, headphones, m&m's, metal female voices-ticket, batteries, a sleeping-top, rocktribune (the one with perttu in it!) and a pitta :loco:

bring the rocktribune with you tomorrow :Smokin:
Fantastic! Finally out of my dad's house and into my apartment. Just sent my love letter to Daniel Erlandsson which he so requested. I'm excited....
:zombie: For real?
Yeah. I'm freakin out a bit... it was a joke for me and Nikki beginning of the night "You get Chris- I get Daniel!"

Then it turned into a conversation about "Does Aquarius and Gemini work out?" Which led to "It was very nice meeting you... write me. I'll remember you." He also remembered that I was front and center somehow.
lol Gemini and Aquarius work out perfectly, but Sag and Gem on the other hand.... :erk:
Ja girl, that's like me with a Leo. I know from experience it's bad fucking news to date your polar opposite on the zodiac.
Erm... Pisces. Not THAT bad of a combo with Sag. Like me with a Taurus, but I don't have much experience there.