The return of the "How are you today?" thread

So it turns out I'm probably going to lose my job as I forgot to ID an under 18 year old in a test run by the local authorities :lol:

Way to pick on the new guy :rolleyes:

Apparently the maximum penalty for selling an age restricted item to a minor is 6 months imprisonment :ill: Whatever, they know it was busy and I was rushing, not thinking properly ect ect. It was purely an accident. I'm hardly going to get the maximum penalty when it was simply a mistake in a test.

So it turns out I'm probably going to lose my job as I forgot to ID an under 18 year old in a test run by the local authorities :lol:

Way to pick on the new guy :rolleyes:

Apparently the maximum penalty for selling an age restricted item to a minor is 6 months imprisonment :ill: Whatever, they know it was busy and I was rushing, not thinking properly ect ect. It was purely an accident. I'm hardly going to get the maximum penalty when it was simply a mistake in a test.

:lol::lol::lol: Fucking pwned. I had that shit, the mystery shoppers it's called here. I passed.
:lol::lol::lol: Fucking pwned. I had that shit, the mystery shoppers it's called here. I passed.

Meh, I was gonna quit soon anyway, the bus fares to get to the store were really pissing me off. And there's a home depo type store thats hiring just down the road from me.
Naw, I was kidding, they can't fire you anyways man, not here at least. If it's busy and you're new, they give you a break, maybe make you re-take the tobacco test, ionna. Unless your boss is a dick or already has had a lot of employees fail.
Well it's sort of up to the trading standards agency what happens. But seriously, if they don't hurry the fuck up with this and tell me whats going to happen. Then I'll resign anyway :lol: went really well. After smoking a couple bowls and hanging out for a bit with a friend of mine, we went back to my place and cuddled while watching ATHF.

She also got like 8 phone calls from her so-called-boyfriend in that period of time as well :p

<---smiling for no reason for the first time in god knows how long.

How hard is it for a cute girl to find someone to make them happy? Seriously?!?! Your kind doesn't even have to do any of the work, you just have to weed out the douchebags.

Happy to hear it went fine!

And the answer to your question is: karma. What goes around, comes around, that type of stuff...:p