The return of the "How are you today?" thread

better than fuckin a virgin... trust me. i don't know what the big deal is about virgins. for one, they have no idea what they're doing but they'll act like they do. they break your rhythm and sure, its nice if they're "tight" but, if you can't fit it in, it... you get the point. :lol:

on the other hand, you don't have to worry about STD's with virgins... usually

What the hell are you talking about?
erm its summer. lol

i havn't got laid yet but shes... VERY forward and promiscuous and i know shes done it a lot. i only asked her out last night and we've only made out/touchy feely/and i licked frosting off her boobs

Sorry but I have to say this... So you've been seeing this girl for less that 24 hours and you're already boasting about it and discussing the shit you've done with her with complete fucking strangers on the internet? Well call me old fashioned but I think that's fucked up.

You're a disgusting human being.

I have to agree with swabs with what he said about it being fucked up talking about her like this. Its very immature and I'm sure she would not like said business spread all over. Some boys need to really, really grow up.

Better to talk about that on the internet with PERFECT STRANGERS that don't know her than with HER PARENTS.

Give the kid a break, already. Let him share his experiences, I agree THIS exact board isn't the best, but hell what do you want. Stop acting like if sex is and should be taboo.

better than fuckin a virgin... trust me. i don't know what the big deal is about virgins. for one, they have no idea what they're doing but they'll act like they do. they break your rhythm and sure, its nice if they're "tight" but, if you can't fit it in, it... you get the point. :lol:

on the other hand, you don't have to worry about STD's with virgins... usually

The deal with virgins is that guys like them because they never had sex *duh* so don't know what is "good sex" and "bad sex", so you don't need to focus on being good or doing a good performance, you can focus on your own pleasure.

There's the other deal in the other hand about doing a good performance, thus to freak the hell out of her (or in her). Like "I'm the one who made her appreciate sexuality", some bullshits like that.

Having sex with an "experienced" girl is scary for some guy, fearing that they might not be good enough and then be ridiculed after.

(I'm just stating my mind about their possible motivation, no need to jump on me and to say "AH LOL YAH BUT THERE'S NO NEED TO BE GOOD IN SEX, IF YOU LOVE him/HER YOU WON'T CARE AND YOU WILL DISCOVER SEX WITH HIM/HER PR JUS GIVE HIM/HER ADVICE LOL", I know, thanks.)
The deal with virgins is that guys like them because they never had sex *duh* so don't know what is "good sex" and "bad sex", so you don't need to focus on being good or doing a good performance, you can focus on your own pleasure.

There's the other deal in the other hand about doing a good performance, thus to freak the hell out of her (or in her). Like "I'm the one who made her appreciate sexuality", some bullshits like that.

Having sex with an "experienced" girl is scary for some guy, fearing that they might not be good enough and then be ridiculed after.

(I'm just stating my mind about their possible motivation, no need to jump on me and to say "AH LOL YAH BUT THERE'S NO NEED TO BE GOOD IN SEX, IF YOU LOVE him/HER YOU WON'T CARE AND YOU WILL DISCOVER SEX WITH HIM/HER PR JUS GIVE HIM/HER ADVICE LOL", I know, thanks.)

true, however, bad sex sucks
Zakk, you found a skank. Don't get emotionally attached, and have a good time. If you do get involved with her emotionally, you're gonna baaaaaw hard when she dumps you for a nigra. :lol:

Thanks to her dad.
so she's gotta be around that age,too. And you say she's quite experienced.

For someone who's in the 14-15-16 area. Congrats, enjoy your syphillis


Well, maybe not syphilis, but mono/cold sores are very possible.
erm its summer. lol

i havn't got laid yet but shes... VERY forward and promiscuous and i know shes done it a lot. i only asked her out last night and we've only made out/touchy feely/and i licked frosting off her boobs
Hm. You've got yourself a slut. and trust me, it won't last long.
shes bi to, i dont exactly know what to think about that yet.
Wtf is wrong with you...
Seriously, you are not allowed to talk about sex until you have found the one and only right opinion about that issue.
and that would be... threesome!!!
IF that's true... sounds like you got yourself a very classy lady :rolleyes:
Hey, she's a mighty classy lady. She waits til they ask her out to start stripping :lol:
so she's gotta be around that age,too. And you say she's quite experienced.

For someone who's in the 14-15-16 area. Congrats, enjoy your syphillis

I got myself a bf right before I turned 16... and that relationship was pretty much based on sex. More places and times than I could even begin to ponder...

But I wouldn't dare say I was "experienced". If she's close to your(Zakk) age and she's really been around... that's disgusting and I guarantee she's got some self-esteem and daddy issues.
Zakk, you found a skank. Don't get emotionally attached, and have a good time. If you do get involved with her emotionally, you're gonna baaaaaw hard when she dumps you for a nigra. :lol:


Well, maybe not syphilis, but mono/cold sores are very possible.
im pretty sure shes not a slut/whore or anything i've talked to all of her friends and i know her really well, but obviously i'll be cautious and try not to be like "lulz ily" because i think thats its really retarded to love at a young age, like 15 and i hate it when my friends say that they love their girlfriends or whatever, they dont really know much about love yet
lulz. everyone will hate me and think im shamelessly whoring my girlfriend :lol:

lulz. everyone will hate me and think im shamelessly whoring my girlfriend :lol:


she looks 14 but, hey, good for you dude. she's got nice lips (fetish of mine :p).
use her slutty ways for experience but a word of advice, don't get involve emotionally til atleast the 6 month point. sounds like a dick head move but, getting your heart broke over someone not worth it... isn't worth it