The return of the "How are you today?" thread


I'm in a pretty decent mood:) Also starting to plan my next vacations - I'm going to Rio! Not too excited about seeing the family, but going to the beach and escaping Seattle's stupid winter will be amazing...:oops::)
In a great mood currently.

Things are going much smoother now. I'm under a lot less stress and able to focus on my training. I'm training to be a nurse's aide and hopefully going to college in the spring semester to start working on my nursing degree.

I've missed this place to be honest. :lol:
I practised blastbeats and using my right hand for the snare, thus using my left hand for other.. things, and since im not used to righthand snaring i went too far down from a crash symbal and went with my hand passed the hihat.
I already let go a stick, I continued drumming, I try to get back the stick but somehow it was stock in the crash stand so when I tried to get the stick the crash just felt on my neck, that was fucking stupid, dangerous and embarrassing. That's a luck I practice the drums only when I'm alone :lol:

Edit: Tho it would have been a shame that 3-4 hours later, my friend come back and discover my corpse lying on the drums, the neck broken by a cymbal :lol: