The return of the "How are you today?" thread

hungry. and pissed that I'm wasting so much money paying for school

tell me about it. I go to a UC here, and I don't care how fair they say the prices are; they are most definitely not, especially when you don't qualify for financial aid cuz your parents don't cheat on taxes, like a lot of others are capable of doing.
^^If they don't care about him then why does it matter to him? He should just move out, and start a new life on his own, where he will be much happier. No reason to kill yourself because your parents are callous, I'm sure if he talked to them they would be sympathetic. People like to make their problems bigger than they are, and they give up after "trying everything" but in reality a little communication would have been sufficient to solve their issues.
ITT: Blablablamelodramaticemosblablabla/wristsdramablablalaletsbloweverythingoutofpreportion.

On a more serious note not aimed at anyone in particular: Some of the stuff I've read in this thread over the years is hilariously over-dramatic and pretentious bullshit. It makes it seem like some of you people would lead much, much happier lives without the internet.

@Swabs: Just ignore it. Sure you can point it out, but some people feel the need to vent on the internet. Annoying, yes, but just let it slide.
started eating again, person i was worried about is fine and he somehow convinced me to eat again. The only person who has achieved that without threatening me.... And just so you all know, i hate going to see the doctor, baaaad memories.
Also today, i went into some store, and i saw a cd there (AYDY), which is usually $25 plus for $15, and there were 2 other cds similar (HB and FTR) but i already have them, so for no apparent reason other than i felt like it i bought AYDY.
I have a filling at 2pm I have to get, but I also have to bring my cat to the vet at 2, and I can't reschedule... fucking assholes vets wouldn't take him either I went to 3 places and almost punched out some skinny blonde cunt receptionist. It's been a bad day, I woke up and saw my cat had a huge cut and lump on his neck, so I cleaned it and put some polysporin and peroxide on it, and I was going to monitor it I just thought it was impact swelling from a bite or something, then he was cuddling with me and I got up to take a piss and I told my girlfriend not to let him scratch it and as soon as I said that he fucking scratched the lump and it fucking exploded. Blood and puss everywhere. The most ungodly stench I have ever encountered... really, it takes a lot for me to puke and I almost threw up twice. It was worst than a rotting corpse, at least the rotting animal corpse I had to clean up.

So now I'm all worried, hoping my cat is ok because it's a huge hole in the side of his head :s I dunno, I'll get someone to take him to the vet while I get my face drilled. Jesus today sucked.
^hope your cat will be fine again soon :)
I'm pretty ok...Studying math sucks balls as usually but besides that I am good. I am waiting for a package which will hopefullly arrive before the start of my military duty on Monday. :)waah: hair off)
I have a filling at 2pm I have to get, but I also have to bring my cat to the vet at 2, and I can't reschedule... fucking assholes vets wouldn't take him either I went to 3 places and almost punched out some skinny blonde cunt receptionist. It's been a bad day, I woke up and saw my cat had a huge cut and lump on his neck, so I cleaned it and put some polysporin and peroxide on it, and I was going to monitor it I just thought it was impact swelling from a bite or something, then he was cuddling with me and I got up to take a piss and I told my girlfriend not to let him scratch it and as soon as I said that he fucking scratched the lump and it fucking exploded. Blood and puss everywhere. The most ungodly stench I have ever encountered... really, it takes a lot for me to puke and I almost threw up twice. It was worst than a rotting corpse, at least the rotting animal corpse I had to clean up.

So now I'm all worried, hoping my cat is ok because it's a huge hole in the side of his head :s I dunno, I'll get someone to take him to the vet while I get my face drilled. Jesus today sucked.

:( I hope the cat's ok