The return of the "How are you today?" thread

Ha, both of my cats are outdoor cats, so they get plenty of excersize.. I call one of them fat, but he really isnt, its all muscles and he's freakishly strong compared to the other cat. And his paws are the size of dinner plates.. i wonder if his maw screwed around with a lynx or whatever they're called
My cat is older than me, when we were younger she was fit, fat (cause i always give her my dinner) and had this habit of brining us LIVE mice and dropping them at our feet. She basically owned my bedroom. Nowadays, shes still fat, yet she dribbles, is completely incontinent, and still kicks me off my own bed!!! But i still love her. Oh yer shes also forgetfull, so sometimes she forgets that weve fed her, and that shes taken a dump.
I've had mad tendintits(or what I think is going on) for the past week in my left shoulder/arm.

Of course I need this to work, so I'm sure I made it worse.

Sonata Arctica tonight, fuck Nightwish
My cat is older than me, when we were younger she was fit, fat (cause i always give her my dinner) and had this habit of brining us LIVE mice and dropping them at our feet. She basically owned my bedroom. Nowadays, shes still fat, yet she dribbles, is completely incontinent, and still kicks me off my own bed!!! But i still love her. Oh yer shes also forgetfull, so sometimes she forgets that weve fed her, and that shes taken a dump.
:lol: that was funny to read.
Willow slept on my bed last night, and even tho I went to bed at 3, I couldn't actually sleep till 6!! She would sleep on top of my legs so I couldn't really move the whole night.
I think we spoil our cats. Especially if yours is kicking you off your own bed.
:lol: that was funny to read.
Willow slept on my bed last night, and even tho I went to bed at 3, I couldn't actually sleep till 6!! She would sleep on top of my legs so I couldn't really move the whole night.
I think we spoil our cats. Especially if yours is kicking you off your own bed.

not only does she kick me off my bed, shes kicked me outta my room a few times. So im my cats case, spoilt is an understatement.
If only i could get my cat to sleep on my legs instead of my pllow!

Eitherways, today i had to help dad set up the fudge room, then i spent 4 hours smashing up chocolate. good fun
cut my hair today...:erk:
here's a pic of me, after my haircut :erk:

do your worst,cobot
I went riding a bicycle with my friend for the first time in two years. :D Bicycle was really dusty :lol: so I had to clean it first but it was fun... Ah the school is starting tomorrow... :erk: