The return of the "How are you today?" thread

So for those who don't know....don't bring $90 worth of...anything....onto a boat that looks like its been rotting all winter.
Them's words to live by.

Jogging in the morning sucks. Don't listen to those crazy health nuts, it only makes you more fucking tired.
I'm bored. I'm sitting here at office I'm doing community service at, and since the main lady isn't here today to give me things to do, I can pretty much take it easy....someone entertain me :loco:
lonely :(
like mentally/emotionally. - just got told by my ex there wil be no chance of getting back together ;(
and physically - my dads at work, my mums at work, and my sister is at college. so i'm home alone.
^ Oh...I'm sorry to hear that. :(

I also don't feel so great today... I'm afraid and worried about some certain things.
And I'm also dissappointed about the fact that my mother doesn't give me any support in what I like to do...I asked her if could buy a better camera for taking pictures with better quality, because I really like taking pictures and I also consider doing something like taking pictures as my job when I'm older. But all I got was a "Not now...I don't want to drive you around to some shops all day long. Maybe in one month, or two."
It's raining and it sucks. And my school day sucked... Why to hell did I go there? I didn't learn anything new and I think I have been an ass to everyone and they hate me cos of that? And I hate them.
Most of them are like 4 years younger than me and they don't get me. They are fucking princesses and I feel like a rockstar...If you get what I mean.. I feel like I'm from a differend world...
I think I'm the ONLY ONE who listens to metal...So I can't even talk about music with any of them and it sucks. Yea, I'm a girl and I like to speak about gigs and music. They speak only shit about others and me. Or it feels like that. (Ok I'm not the only "old one" - but they're just like the others) So I feel quite lonely in my school. I'd rather be with boys in my school but there isn't any in my class...:cry:
I got a blackeye Saturday while cottaging, and it hasn't gone away at all yet. Going to see the family tonight, and my mom never believes me when I get injured. When I hurt my leg last year and it got all gross and purple she thought I was hit by a car.

Also my dick friends are fighting over who-owes-who from this trip we took, all griping over who ate who's Bag of Doritoes, and how much beer or pot some people pitched in opposed to others. Meanwhile, they all seem to be ignoring the fact that I'm about $250 in the hole for buying all the gas, and majority of the food....
My first class was ok. The new writing professor I had seems ok for now, much better than the writing professor from last year. I just have no confidence in writing short times ahead
One of my friends decided to run away from home fer like...12 hours or somethin' and got house arrest. I lol'd. Oh well, SCHOOL TOMORROW! YEAH! WOOT! FLAAHHHH!!!111ONE
nikki, what are you getting your degree in? :lol: you just talk about english classes a lot, i'm just curious. and my short stories don't have a page length, i could write a paragraph if i choose. i hope tomorrow's class doesn't suck half as much as i know its going to. i hate the professor i have tomorrow. so boring, somehow every single book relates to some brad pitt movie. what a painful way to get an easy A.
nikki, what are you getting your degree in? :lol: you just talk about english classes a lot, i'm just curious. and my short stories don't have a page length, i could write a paragraph if i choose. i hope tomorrow's class doesn't suck half as much as i know its going to. i hate the professor i have tomorrow. so boring, somehow every single book relates to some brad pitt movie. what a painful way to get an easy A.

That was last year, we had to write essays after essays. Most short stories were in 12th grade, and I had the hardest time making them two pages or less.

I'm actually a science major
Guys, we have to save the fucking planet. Seriously!

Yeah, seriously, I had a hectic day at work today and when I'm finally completely sick of human beings, I am going to save the turtles in this place:


Listening to homeless people say "I am so fucking sick of these homeless people" kinda makes you think. So now, hours into self medicating at home, I am wondering about life and thinking I should live in some sort of paradise on earth. Fuck Homo sapiens!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
exhausted. and achey.
first day back at school.

it was just like an outline of the year ahead. in other words yap yap yap about coursework and exams.
No pressure o_O

Anyway i'm behind on coursework from last year and stuff.
