The return of the "How are you today?" thread

feeling shit.
my ex fancies one of my friends.
While we were together. WHY did hego out with me if he liked HER?!

Guys are pricks. I hate them.
feeling shit.
my ex fancies one of my friends.
While we were together. WHY did hego out with me if he liked HER?!

Guys are pricks. I hate them.

Yes we are. Throw bricks at us whenever possible. :zombie:

In other news, I think I'm just going to become a hermit and never try to form a new relationship with anyone ever again. Because people suck that much.
^But I already throw bricks and other things at you...what else can i do?
Time for me to head off to grad school and have class with a man I dislike...c'est la vie.
I was actually allowed to walk a few dogs at work today, that was fun. But I was terrified of losing them. And I was afraid that I might accidently choke a dog.

Fear of failure. Nothing bad happened, so it was ok.

I came home to see the new Into Eternity waiting for me, twas nice.
Tomorrow my classes start at 9am :erk: .... But finish at 11am :D That's practically the day off, 3 day weekend every week of this school year FTW.
I was actually allowed to walk a few dogs at work today, that was fun. But I was terrified of losing them. And I was afraid that I might accidently choke a dog.

Fear of failure. Nothing bad happened, so it was ok.

I came home to see the new Into Eternity waiting for me, twas nice.

where do you work?