The return of the "How are you today?" thread

Minus the few negatives in life at the moment, I'm having one of the greatest weeks of my life. Spending time with a dear foreign friend, making some new ones, drinking too much, partaking in some stupid activities and getting a greater sense of self.
So.. All That Remains (shit band) did a cover of Nevermore's (awesome band) 'Believe In Nothing'.... And it sucks.

What is the point in doing a cover of a song if you're going to do all the instrument parts EXACTLY the same, and have the vocalist just do a lame impression of the original singers voice?

Here's the original for comparison:
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neeeeed sleeeeeeepeppeppep!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

fuck. And I watched even more acts of stupidity today. Bitch walking her baby in the street while on the phone, how I wish I could have just run that bitch over.
I'm super tired. My kiddies went back to school today. I had 5 year olds all afternoon. As much as I missed my kiddies, they tired me out. Tomorrow it will be either 4 or 5 yr. olds all afternoon again. I'm sure by Thursday when I go down to MD to see cob I'll be quite :zombie:
I've just noticed that I only post here while I'm under the influence of something.

So yeah... I feel like I am under the influence of something.

Saw Nightwish and Sonata Arctica last night. It was alright but NOTHING compared to Finntroll the day before. FUCK YEAH!!! I actually did some sort of sexy dance throughout the whole show with my amazingly hot friend. Too bad the night had to end and I had to go back to reality:cry: Now I've decided I only go to folk metal shows. They are THE SHIT!
I haven't slept since Tuesday at 11am due to constant insane travels and being too preoccupied with the amazing force known as my Swede. I just got back from a nearly week-long Carcass escapade. I made a few new acquaintances, became friends with an old acquaintance and made my friendship with one of my favorite people deeper and more fulfilling than before...

I'm exhausted and moody but overall I'm really happy with this week's encounters.
Not underrated so much as under appreciated. They've got some balls-to-the-wall, kickass tunes...but far too often they get tossed onto the "z0mgmetalcoretheysuck" pile.


Well... I've felt like complete shit all week (I've felt nauseous and weak ever since Sunday morning, as a result I've not been able to eat a thing), so that's really impeded my ability to woo this girl at school.

Fuck me in four directions.
I feel verrrry good! :D ...except for the fact that I feel sick and my nose is full of snoooot so I can't breathe...:cry:

But school is pretty fun lately (lolwut? :zombie: :rofl:) and today my art teacher told me there's a class which is just for taking pictures and editing them and so on (for the older pupils who will do some exam-thingies in that ;)), and my teacher asked me if I want to come too, so I said yes! That's pretty cool, because our homework will be taking pictures and editing them with photoshop and blablabla and I'm the only 15-year old there, the others are all about 18 or 19! :rofl:
Weehhuuuu yeaaahhh, I'm sure that will be fun. :)
Ehh, why the hell am I so happy about going to a stupid photographing class?! :rofl:
Calm down Erni. :lol:

Another reason for feeling so happy right now is...bah, I don't know, just everything!! is so nice. :)
WD Erni

For me I'm in about the same place, if you're all wondering why I haven't been on COB-OT lately it's coz I got my apprenticeship and have been working my arse off but don't worry I'm not gunna abandon you all I promise I'll try to make time where and when I can but yeah fuck yeah I have my dream job no more stacking selves n' shit for me + I'm making a fuckload a fuckload o' cash:)

P.S Erni older people really aren't that good:lol:
WD Erni

For me I'm in about the same place, if you're all wondering why I haven't been on COB-OT lately it's coz I got my apprenticeship and have been working my arse off but don't worry I'm not gunna abandon you all I promise I'll try to make time where and when I can but yeah fuck yeah I have my dream job no more stacking selves n' shit for me + I'm making a fuckload a fuckload o' cash:)

P.S Erni older people really aren't that good:lol:

That's nice to hear! :)

But uhm, what's "WD"? ...and: Well, I'm really NOT happy about that there are older people, but it's just funny because it's not a class thing for young people like me, the teacher just lets me go there because I asked him about pictures and so on. ;)
I'm doing pretty good. The weather is cooling down a lot and fall is coming. I love when the weather is like this cuz you can just smell Halloween in the air :D And I'm going camping tomorrow, which is something I've wanted to do for a long time now. So I'm in a good mood :) Just wish I wasn't sitting here at the office for my community service place pretending to work.