The return of the "How are you today?" thread

Yesterday we spent the DAY searching for pot, no kidding it was the hardest day to find pot in the history of Mascouche, finally at 1 am we bought a 14g, and because the dude had to travel from I fuck know where, and because I'm fucking too nice, I gave him 20 more bucks (so it cost 100$) but GODDAMN IT we didn't smoke a hell of it BECAUSE THE FUCKING COPS just randomly, like this, decided to search my bag and took it...

Hope they had a nice night -_-
I've felt nauseous and weak ever since Sunday morning, as a result I've not been able to eat a thing, so that's really impeded my ability to woo this girl at school.

Yesterday we spent the DAY searching for pot, no kidding it was the hardest day to find pot in the history of Mascouche, finally at 1 am we bought a 14g, and because the dude had to travel from I fuck know where, and because I'm fucking too nice, I gave him 20 more bucks (so it cost 100$) but GODDAMN IT we didn't smoke a hell of it BECAUSE THE FUCKING COPS just randomly, like this, decided to search my bag and took it...

Hope they had a nice night -_-
:lol: Goddamn! Next time hide it in your sock, n00b.

More school...more little kids....more old men hitting on me while i walk between buildings on the sidewalk...
Sitting here in class getting ready for my drive to see COB...but all i want to do is nap, working is definitely kicking my ass
Is that a "wat the fuck" zombie, or an "I thought Butt liked guys lolz" zombie? :lol:

True story, though. For the past few days at school, I've been lanking around and looking white as a ghost, because I'm so tired and weak from lack of food. Somehow, I don't think these traits would be all that attractive to the ladies.

I set myself a doctor's appointment for tomorrow, anyway, to find out why I get so horribly nauseous whenever I eat anything. Hopefully I don't turn out to have some sort of food allergy or something.

erni said:
Ehh, why the hell am I so happy about going to a stupid photographing class?! :rofl:
Calm down Erni. :lol:
I remember taking Photography once. Although I nearly failed, and scraped by with a 52 (just passing grade), because I was a lazy bitch who did none of the work save for the final activity. :lol:
They are great, specially when our NES is over 20 years old :lol: My mom bought it for my older brother when he was like 10 and now he's 31 so it would be kind of impossible to make it work for more than 30 seconds without freezing.
That's nice to hear! :)

But uhm, what's "WD"? ...and: Well, I'm really NOT happy about that there are older people, but it's just funny because it's not a class thing for young people like me, the teacher just lets me go there because I asked him about pictures and so on. ;)

Sorry different forum language it means "well done" they're other abbreviated things I use on other forums like "GL" and "BL' which mean "good luck" and "bad luck" and stuff like that
Yeah but now I'm 100$ less, which suck considering my present condition, and the only thing that could cheer me up would be a good joint, lol the irony :p

I don't get it...what is it with weed? Everyone and their mom smokes it and it's such a retarded fucking drug. It makes you just sit there and be slow. I've smoked a few times with friends but it doesn't do shit for me. I think maybe cuz I'm already a chill person to begin with, so I don't get the effect. And yes, I inhale properly. But it's just a waste of time and money if you ask me. Not that I've ever paid for it, but I feel bad for my friends who waste their money on that useless shit. Not to mention the long-term effects of it...makes a person severely slow and bummish from the cases I've seen.
^Hi! :wave:

I agree with you... kinda. I used to HATE it when I hung out with friends who were completely stoned and acting stupid and just being completely slow. But I know some people who can actually function while on weed... actually, one of them is a co-worker/great friend and I can't even imagine him NOT being stoned, lol. I think that to some people that have huge anxiety, weed can do wonders. But yeah, long term effects are one thing to consider:p

Anyway... I've been caught up in daily life stress (work and mohawks) and I am SO glad that today is my Friday!! Seriously, this week was excruciatingly hard.
I don't get it...what is it with weed? Everyone and their mom smokes it and it's such a retarded fucking drug. It makes you just sit there and be slow. I've smoked a few times with friends but it doesn't do shit for me. I think maybe cuz I'm already a chill person to begin with, so I don't get the effect. And yes, I inhale properly. But it's just a waste of time and money if you ask me. Not that I've ever paid for it, but I feel bad for my friends who waste their money on that useless shit. Not to mention the long-term effects of it...makes a person severely slow and bummish from the cases I've seen.

Yeah so simply because you're experience with it wasn't that great, everyone else who does enjoy it is retarded? Nice logic, well done. :rolleyes: