The return of the "How are you today?" thread

I finished a whole sandwich today, which is a massive feat for me right now.

I don't get it...what is it with weed? Everyone and their mom smokes it and it's such a retarded fucking drug. It makes you just sit there and be slow. I've smoked a few times with friends but it doesn't do shit for me. I think maybe cuz I'm already a chill person to begin with, so I don't get the effect. And yes, I inhale properly. But it's just a waste of time and money if you ask me. Not that I've ever paid for it, but I feel bad for my friends who waste their money on that useless shit. Not to mention the long-term effects of it...makes a person severely slow and bummish from the cases I've seen.

That was complete bullshit.

Yeah so simply because you're experience with it wasn't that great, everyone else who does enjoy it is retarded? Nice logic, well done. :rolleyes:


There's different type of effect, in general there's the "slow and stone" effect, and the paranoia. In my case, it act like a stimulant. I start talking (which is a good thing, because I usually never talk) and help me to concentrate and manage my mind and my ideas.

Same here.

Try a good fat one in the morning, on an empty stomach.:p


Hold on... aren't you like 14 or something? :p
I don't get it...what is it with weed? Everyone and their mom smokes it and it's such a retarded fucking drug. It makes you just sit there and be slow. I've smoked a few times with friends but it doesn't do shit for me. I think maybe cuz I'm already a chill person to begin with, so I don't get the effect. And yes, I inhale properly. But it's just a waste of time and money if you ask me. Not that I've ever paid for it, but I feel bad for my friends who waste their money on that useless shit. Not to mention the long-term effects of it...makes a person severely slow and bummish from the cases I've seen.

Id like to add my brother has been smoking something like a Quarter Pound a month for 4 years now, doesn't pay for any of it because he sells it, works 70+ hours a week during the summer, once worked 3 part time jobs while doing a year of university, and is Post-Grad Political science major, going into law.

Then again reason he works so much is because he drinks a lot :p

Halloween is coming up and I MUST find myself a pair of faux fur shorts, but this seems to be an impossible task!!! :zombie:



Ok, Deadly, you SHOULD have bought that purse. I have taught myself a lesson: whenever you see something really cool and ask yourself "could I live without it?" and you keep thinking and your eyes keep turning in its direction, the answer is usually "no, I could not!".

So, do you know how to sew? My Halloween costume + hotness depends on it. GAH!!!