The return of the "How are you today?" thread

studying my ass off for a math test only to receive a bad grade.

and I was late to class this morning because we got caught with 476 traffic. then the program I wanted to do my science work with stopped working and both the computers crashed and kept logging me out.

Other than that,I'm good. and on a plus side, I've taken off my pants.

Hello relief! :lol:
YES, a multitude of popping sounds and children getting STUCK inside the triangle, oh indeed the opportunities... IT IS THE SEED OF DESTRUCTION

but what heavenly destruction it would be :oops:

the introductionday was okay... there's quite some stupid people, so i feel better and more confident now :p

monday's mah first day AND evergrey cd is coming out then, and tomorrow i'm going for thai food :) :kickass:

+ i'm allergic to something and i'm affraid it's cats :(
but what heavenly destruction it would be :oops:

the introductionday was okay... there's quite some stupid people, so i feel better and more confident now :p

monday's mah first day AND evergrey cd is coming out then, and tomorrow i'm going for thai food :) :kickass:

+ i'm allergic to something and i'm affraid it's cats :(

:lol:.. Indeed heavenly :lol:


I fucking love cats :lol:

and on topic:
TODAY i was MAULED by various machinery at work.. Or so my body implies atleast, but it doesn't matter.. I'll now relax so FUCKING HARD that the world will cave in and die. Aaaaah beer
8 cats???? That's fucking awesome!
me in 10 years
me in 10 years

:lol: that's probably gonna be me too. I have white cat hair all over my bed. I clean it every day with those lint roller things, but Willow sheds like crazy. and she's a short-hair cat too :ill:

Aaand I'm very excited for the Bodom show tomorrow! I'm gonna meet up with eveningninja and noble viking. the first forum people I'll meet :headbang: