The return of the "How are you today?" thread

At work, I'm tired, but I'm just so happy. Last night was AMAZING. I'm sure by the end of the day, I won't be quite so happy. I did take some pictures of the terrible conditions going on over here so I will post them later. I have classrooms of little kids with nothing in the room but chairs. No tables, books or ANYTHING. It simply was not ordered in time even though they knew since JUNE that they needed these things. :mad:
I don't get it...what is it with weed? Everyone and their mom smokes it and it's such a retarded fucking drug. It makes you just sit there and be slow. I've smoked a few times with friends but it doesn't do shit for me. I think maybe cuz I'm already a chill person to begin with, so I don't get the effect. And yes, I inhale properly. But it's just a waste of time and money if you ask me. Not that I've ever paid for it, but I feel bad for my friends who waste their money on that useless shit. Not to mention the long-term effects of it...makes a person severely slow and bummish from the cases I've seen.

^Hi! :wave:

I agree with you... kinda. I used to HATE it when I hung out with friends who were completely stoned and acting stupid and just being completely slow. But I know some people who can actually function while on weed... actually, one of them is a co-worker/great friend and I can't even imagine him NOT being stoned, lol. I think that to some people that have huge anxiety, weed can do wonders. But yeah, long term effects are one thing to consider:p

Anyway... I've been caught up in daily life stress (work and mohawks) and I am SO glad that today is my Friday!! Seriously, this week was excruciatingly hard.

Yeah so simply because you're experience with it wasn't that great, everyone else who does enjoy it is retarded? Nice logic, well done. :rolleyes:

There's different type of effect, in general there's the "slow and stone" effect, and the paranoia. In my case, it act like a stimulant. I start talking (which is a good thing, because I usually never talk) and help me to concentrate and manage my mind and my ideas.
I don't get it...what is it with weed? Everyone and their mom smokes it and it's such a retarded fucking drug. It makes you just sit there and be slow. I've smoked a few times with friends but it doesn't do shit for me. I think maybe cuz I'm already a chill person to begin with, so I don't get the effect. And yes, I inhale properly. But it's just a waste of time and money if you ask me. Not that I've ever paid for it, but I feel bad for my friends who waste their money on that useless shit. Not to mention the long-term effects of it...makes a person severely slow and bummish from the cases I've seen.

Try a good fat one in the morning, on an empty stomach.:p
Anyway... I've been caught up in daily life stress (work and mohawks) and I am SO glad that today is my Friday!! Seriously, this week was excruciatingly hard.

That makes the two of us.

Well, I've gotten myself some antibiotics that I gotta take for a week. Turns out I have some sort of infection.
freezing, wet. :( fucking rain.
and peeved. I lost ALL my photography & music. & worddocuments.

:( atleast it's back. but empty... *crry*
I'm fine I guess.

I think I'm gonna head in town agian tonight to catch a couple of rock-a-billy/psychobilly bands at the Middle East Downstairs. Maybe I'll get some food there prior to the sho. They serve awesome middle eastern food at the restauraunt upstairs....whoda thunk it.

Thing is, once again...I'll be going alone. I prefer going by myself, but sometimes I just with I had a broad to accompany me. *shrug*
freezing, wet. :( fucking rain.
and peeved. I lost ALL my photography & music. & worddocuments.

:( atleast it's back. but empty... *crry*

Disgusted by the youth community again.

and someone got choked to death up the street from me...makes me almost want to be a cop. Someone needs to restrain the youth from the destruction they're building around themselves and the community.

For fucks' sake, she was 84!
Disgusted by the youth community again.

and someone got choked to death up the street from me...makes me almost want to be a cop. Someone needs to restrain the youth from the destruction they're building around themselves and the community.

For fucks' sake, she was 84!
whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?! That's fucked. We have shootings in my town, but it's just nigras shooting at each other.
Disgusted by the youth community again.

and someone got choked to death up the street from me...makes me almost want to be a cop. Someone needs to restrain the youth from the destruction they're building around themselves and the community.

For fucks' sake, she was 84!

do it, you'll be a female matt barlow :lol: