The return of the "How are you today?" thread

I have a filling at 2pm I have to get, but I also have to bring my cat to the vet at 2, and I can't reschedule... fucking assholes vets wouldn't take him either I went to 3 places and almost punched out some skinny blonde cunt receptionist. It's been a bad day, I woke up and saw my cat had a huge cut and lump on his neck, so I cleaned it and put some polysporin and peroxide on it, and I was going to monitor it I just thought it was impact swelling from a bite or something, then he was cuddling with me and I got up to take a piss and I told my girlfriend not to let him scratch it and as soon as I said that he fucking scratched the lump and it fucking exploded. Blood and puss everywhere. The most ungodly stench I have ever encountered... really, it takes a lot for me to puke and I almost threw up twice. It was worst than a rotting corpse, at least the rotting animal corpse I had to clean up.

So now I'm all worried, hoping my cat is ok because it's a huge hole in the side of his head :s I dunno, I'll get someone to take him to the vet while I get my face drilled. Jesus today sucked.

:puke:o_O:cry:Hope your cat get better.
I have a filling at 2pm I have to get, but I also have to bring my cat to the vet at 2, and I can't reschedule... fucking assholes vets wouldn't take him either I went to 3 places and almost punched out some skinny blonde cunt receptionist. It's been a bad day, I woke up and saw my cat had a huge cut and lump on his neck, so I cleaned it and put some polysporin and peroxide on it, and I was going to monitor it I just thought it was impact swelling from a bite or something, then he was cuddling with me and I got up to take a piss and I told my girlfriend not to let him scratch it and as soon as I said that he fucking scratched the lump and it fucking exploded. Blood and puss everywhere. The most ungodly stench I have ever encountered... really, it takes a lot for me to puke and I almost threw up twice. It was worst than a rotting corpse, at least the rotting animal corpse I had to clean up.

So now I'm all worried, hoping my cat is ok because it's a huge hole in the side of his head :s I dunno, I'll get someone to take him to the vet while I get my face drilled. Jesus today sucked.

shit man, I wonder what happened...maybe he got into a fight with an outside cat? I'm glad to know that you're so concerned tho. I went to the animal shelter this weekend and it's so depressing to see all those cats and dogs locked up in those cages...the poor things need some freedom. And the stories I heard about some of them...just awful. I literally cried looking at them like that (yes, I have a soft spot for animals). There are some horrible humans in this world. Anyway, so I decided to adopt one of the older cats (she's 5 years old) cuz the lady said it's usually the kittens that get taken home while the older cats are put to sleep cuz no one really wants them :( how sad. I wanted to post some pics of her right now, but I feel really bad about Joe's cat. I'll do it later.
Awww Joe, I hope the cat is ok. :( I love animals too, its why I have so many and they are all rescues. The animal shelter next to my university is really nifty and most of the animals are out playing all day. They rescue a lot of dogs from the south because in the south they just kill them all. My puppy came from North Carolina. I wanted an older dog, but my other dog didn't get along with any older dog at the shelter.
Anyway, enough of this, I'm off to have a girl's night out.
@Heartless: Damn hope the cat is okay. I <3 animals and I can relate to the worries that any pet-owner can experience at times like this. Here's a pic of my chihuahua when she had a reaction to some shots she was given earlier that day:


Nothing nearly as serious as what it sounds like for your cat, so I hope for the best man.
I have a filling at 2pm I have to get, but I also have to bring my cat to the vet at 2, and I can't reschedule... fucking assholes vets wouldn't take him either I went to 3 places and almost punched out some skinny blonde cunt receptionist. It's been a bad day, I woke up and saw my cat had a huge cut and lump on his neck, so I cleaned it and put some polysporin and peroxide on it, and I was going to monitor it I just thought it was impact swelling from a bite or something, then he was cuddling with me and I got up to take a piss and I told my girlfriend not to let him scratch it and as soon as I said that he fucking scratched the lump and it fucking exploded. Blood and puss everywhere. The most ungodly stench I have ever encountered... really, it takes a lot for me to puke and I almost threw up twice. It was worst than a rotting corpse, at least the rotting animal corpse I had to clean up.

So now I'm all worried, hoping my cat is ok because it's a huge hole in the side of his head :s I dunno, I'll get someone to take him to the vet while I get my face drilled. Jesus today sucked.

Sounds like what my cat used to get before we moved houses, she got them from some cat in the area she'd fight with all the time. So yer probably from a fight, once its cleaned up you cat should be ok.
Damn, where's the Pet thread when you need it? I searched and it's giving this weird "limit is 4 words" message =/
Anyway, I'm doing good today because I'm spending time with the new member of mi familia...we saved her from the shelter this past weekend. Here's Willow!


Damn, where's the Pet thread when you need it? I searched and it's giving this weird "limit is 4 words" message =/
Anyway, I'm doing good today because I'm spending time with the new member of mi familia...we saved her from the shelter this past weekend. Here's Willow!



Oh, poor kitten... how cute, I'm glad you saved her and that she can feel better thanks to your kindness!

And you already have a few cats, if I remember well... I hope they "accept" her and become friends soon. :)
Technically, we only had one cat (it's the fat black one that you liked ;)) those other 2 are kind of outside cats, but we feed them and when it's really cold and raining outside, we let them sleep in the house....and my dad hates it :lol:

Willow and the fat black one are a bit jealous of each other right now, but it's only been a couple of days, so hopefully they'll get used to each other. Oh, and she's not really a kitten, she's 5 years old :)
Ahh, I understand, I thought they were all yours... well, 'tis very nice of you letting the cats sleep in the house when the weather is bad, shows you love animals, good gesture.

Oh, yeah, hehe, quite understandable... you're right, I think they'll get used to each other too with time and everything will be alright, let's hope soon.

And sorry for using some wrong or uncorrect words sometimes... I still have to learn a lot. :)
Damn, where's the Pet thread when you need it? I searched and it's giving this weird "limit is 4 words" message =/
Anyway, I'm doing good today because I'm spending time with the new member of mi familia...we saved her from the shelter this past weekend. Here's Willow!


How cool! We both have snow white cats that look alike (granted, most cats do look similar)! You have a soft spot for animals, I can tell :)
I feeel...
hm. ;/
Refreshed. but abit sad.
after erasing(sp) my ex from my life all together for being a complete dickead.
and everyone I know through him.
But hallejuah. I'm free.
Damn, where's the Pet thread when you need it? I searched and it's giving this weird "limit is 4 words" message =/
Anyway, I'm doing good today because I'm spending time with the new member of mi familia...we saved her from the shelter this past weekend. Here's Willow!



:oops::cry: Looks just like my first cat...