The return of the "How are you today?" thread

My old dog was a bit of a pain, due to it being fucked in the head (Puppy Mill dog, fuck you Quebec). He used to bite alot when pissed off, but I had FINALLY trained him to the point where he would at least be growling alot of you were doing somethign he didn't like.

Well my asshole 7 year old (at the time) neighbor would tease my dog through the fence with bits of food his parents give him for snack. He would stuck the food thorugh the fence to get the dog over, and pull it away when the dog went for it so he could pet him. One day my dog ended up biting his hand to get the food, and the kid cried and called his parents. My dog had to be put down because this was the second time he bit someone. (the first time was also not his fault but whatever).

I ended up telling the brat's parents what the kid was doing, and the mom gave me the "Oh hes just a kid, its not his fault he was being a dick and learned his lesson!". The next dog we had the kid tried it again the first time he saw it. The neighbors threatened to call the cops on my if I yelled at their son like that again.

arhagharhhaghag stop telling sad dog stories :(
I raged. Can I harm that kid?
I raged too. In fact, I was almost killed because of dip shit kids like that when I was 4. These kids were throwing rocks at this big dog that was tied up in a backyard. They used to do it a lot apparently, but I knew this dog well and I showed up just after they had just finished. Well, the ironic part is I was with my friend and he said 'That's a mean dog' and I said 'No he's not' and walked up to him.

Dog attacked me. 5 broken ribs, a punctured lung, loss of almost 3/4 of my blood (which is pretty much when you are close to death), multiple surgeries later, here I am. I had to fucking learn to walk again. I wa sin the hospital for like 6 months. It was fucked. All because of some dipshit kids. And the dog was put down too.

And by put down I mean my uncle raaaaaged and showed up drunk and shot the dog in the head with a shotgun. I wish it hadn't been killed, but meh.

I also have so many sad dog stories... but I won't share because I will feel sad :lol:
Kids really are stupid. When I was 6, on mischief night teens actually threw bricks at my dog who was tied on a line in my backyard. The dog got loose and ran into the street and got run over, but he only broke a leg and lived for another 15 years after that.
Ok ok...enough of this sad crap
So if a two week long headache wasn't bad enough, I took a nap this afternoon and woke up with no voice and I'm quite sure my sinuses are finally infected. Woohoo.
Kids really are stupid. When I was 6, on mischief night teens actually threw bricks at my dog who was tied on a line in my backyard. The dog got loose and ran into the street and got run over, but he only broke a leg and lived for another 15 years after that.
Ok ok...enough of this sad crap
So if a two week long headache wasn't bad enough, I took a nap this afternoon and woke up with no voice and I'm quite sure my sinuses are finally infected. Woohoo.

I had a terrible headache at my gf's house's an extremely hot and dry place. Given me the worst headache of my life, I wished I could rip my head off and be done with it. Nothing in my mind but the pain >_>
I have a family event to go to in less than half an hour and I think Im still drunk from last night.

No food in the house to soak it up :(
So I went to see another doctor/physician's assistant yesterday....ta da...sinus infection. Couldn't I have started these goddamn antibiotics five days sooner? Now I shall stop procrastinating and go do my way the hell overdue paper.