The return of the "How are you today?" thread

I'd do a barrel roll and you would be uncoordinated at the sight of my elusive maneuvers therefor leaving a gap in between your defensive tactics making it easy for me to take advantage of your pondering if this is a run on sentence and then oh snap i just SHIT in your pants. woooooooooooooo
I'd do a barrel roll and you would be uncoordinated at the sight of my elusive maneuvers therefor leaving a gap in between your defensive tactics making it easy for me to take advantage of your pondering if this is a run on sentence and then oh snap i just SHIT in your pants. woooooooooooooo

In the midst of your barrel roll you are blinded by the style of my flashy pants. I then proceed to shit on your pants, and give you a warning. Next time, it will be in.
In the midst of your barrel roll you are blinded by the style of my flashy pants. I then proceed to shit on your pants, and give you a warning. Next time, it will be in.


I feel the need to tell and NBA Jam Story.

My buddy skipped the last class of the afternoon when we were about 15-16 or something, and we went to his place after school. He was in the final quarter of an NBA Jam game, Bulls (him) vs Celtics. Game tied at 96

My friend manages to get in a shot before the clock runs out, leaving 0.8 seconds left on the clock, up by 2 points.
He turns to us and goes "that's right, whos the master?".

Larry Fucking Bird manages to sink a 3pointer at the buzzer from the other side of the court. Winning the game, by one point.
My friend throws his controller at the TV, shattering it, and chipping the screen.

I never lol'd so hard since.
I feel quite good today... I finally have the maths test behind (I failed, but I don't care).. at least I don't have all that stress anymore.. and now weeeekend! :) Today christmas-thingy in the city and tomorrow I'll visit my uncle. that will be nice. :)

Not good at all.
I just found out that my dog might die. :(

oh man.. that's shit. :(

may I ask what's wrong with him/her?
I am massively tired. I'm gonna go take a two hour nap, get lunch, and then start working on my five papers.

By the way, if any of you ever want to see some of the most technologically advanced stuff in the world, find an excuse to visit the Bloomberg offices in NYC. It may not sound like much, but I got to ride on one of the four curved escalators in existence yesterday while I was there, among other things. It's a pretty sweet place.

Not good at all.
I just found out that my dog might die. :(

Man, that sucks. I'm really sorry. :(
Dogs really are amazing pets.
Not good at all.
I just found out that my dog might die. :(
That sucks. I'm sorry.

I'm about 10 minutes away from heading out west on the bus to the ol' Alma Mater for the weekend for a holiday party and some debauchery. I'd say overall, I'm doing rather well....though I am tired as balls.
I'm sorry to hear about your dog brother. Driving i stumbled across a beagle that had just been hit, it was laying in the road gasping for air and covered in blood. I knew getting out was dangerous and no one should EVER, on a 4 lane public highway or busy road, get out in traffic to pick up an animal but i figured since i have blue and white lights in my car for the fire department, i could put them on. I ended up getting out and wrapping it in a few blankets. It was the saddest fucken drive to the vet. They put it to sleep, anyway, but i think it was better than it getting ran over time and time and again till it died. I HATE owners who let their pets run out into the street.
Owners may be irresponsible, but the assholes who hit innocent animals and then drive off are the ones who really deserve to get a wooden stake shoved down their throats. When my family still lived in our old house, my dog got out of the house without us knowing and then got hit when she went chasing after our neighbor's cat. My dad actually saw it happen and watched the guy drive off. Thankfully, not only did my dog make a full recovery, but my dad also got the guy's license plate number, and they arrested him for reckless driving and animal cruelty.
My old dog was a bit of a pain, due to it being fucked in the head (Puppy Mill dog, fuck you Quebec). He used to bite alot when pissed off, but I had FINALLY trained him to the point where he would at least be growling alot of you were doing somethign he didn't like.

Well my asshole 7 year old (at the time) neighbor would tease my dog through the fence with bits of food his parents give him for snack. He would stuck the food thorugh the fence to get the dog over, and pull it away when the dog went for it so he could pet him. One day my dog ended up biting his hand to get the food, and the kid cried and called his parents. My dog had to be put down because this was the second time he bit someone. (the first time was also not his fault but whatever).

I ended up telling the brat's parents what the kid was doing, and the mom gave me the "Oh hes just a kid, its not his fault he was being a dick and learned his lesson!". The next dog we had the kid tried it again the first time he saw it. The neighbors threatened to call the cops on my if I yelled at their son like that again.

arhagharhhaghag stop telling sad dog stories :(