The return of the "How are you today?" thread

So I went to see another doctor/physician's assistant yesterday....ta da...sinus infection. Couldn't I have started these goddamn antibiotics five days sooner? Now I shall stop procrastinating and go do my way the hell overdue paper.

Did you try getting a doctor's note saying you were really sick, for an extended period of time due to a wrong diagnosis? Maybe get an extension.
Well, if its a grad paper that you are supposed to be working on from the beginning of the semester, then they wont take a week of illness as an excuse if you've had like 3-5 months or whatever to work on it. Still shitballs though.
I'm rather drunk right about now, Saturday night was a mates 18th, and I just got back from my schools 6th form Xmas party. However unlike some of you douchefucks I retain the ability to type correctly and coherently.

I'm rather drunk right about now, Saturday night was a mates 18th, and I just got back from my schools 6th form Xmas party. However unlike some of you douchefucks I retain the ability to type correctly and coherently.


you're not exactly shitfaced then. how old are you again? just out of curiosity.
I'm rather drunk right about now, Saturday night was a mates 18th, and I just got back from my schools 6th form Xmas party. However unlike some of you douchefucks I retain the ability to type correctly and coherently.


Firefox also underlines spelling errors for you. :p
Unfortunately I was quite a late birth so unlike a lot of my friends who are all turning 18 now, I have to wait till June for that :/ So alas being 17 any drinking (well to be precise, any purchasing of alcohol) I do is technically illegal, but fuck this is england fuck that.
I'm not a fucking idiot, I'm on the latest version... Firefox automatically updates anyway ya douche.
I had spellcheck during the 2.0 beta, but ever since 2.0RC2, i've never seen the spell check ever again. I see it in the tools, its checked, but it doesn't work at all.

I've tried unabling it, restarting, enabling it, and then restarting again, but to no avail. actually reinstalled everything on one occation, still havent seen it.
Study leave! wooo.

but that history exam was dire:eek:
2 hours. freezing cold. hitler & the nazis. numb butt.:zombie:
I'm quite good today.. tomorrow a history test (two hours, about the time after Nazi-time and war ;)), I already studied the most part...I don't know if I'll study some more later, I think I prefer taking a hot bath and relax a bit.. :)
I really need that again.

and friday is last schooool daaaay, yarrr! :D
The day's almost over, but I felt, and feel, good. And what makes it better is that I enjoyed snow these past days, so now I'm waiting for more.

It should come and say "hi!" soon enough, according to the weatherman, and last time he said that he was right, so... let's be hopeful.