The return of the "How are you today?" thread

Math final complete. Bio final complete.

I'm now in winter break mode, which means I get to be as lazy as I want to be, throw my books aside and PARTY!!!
Dog has been retrieved. Year long incomplete paper is done. Stupid and absurd final is done. Massive revision and book review are all that is need so I can has vacations! back to my regularly scheduled programming of sinus infection medication.
^ Be more careful with your dog! I feel so bad when I see lost dogs running around, and especially when they're running in the streets and cars don't even give a fuck enough to slow down. A couple of months ago I saw my neighbor's cat get run over by a car who didn't care to stop. It was a horrible sight. Just be more careful with him :)
┼Victim of the Night┼;7893227 said:
Fever, shivers, feeling so cold and hot at the same time... I'm ill. Didn't happen in a long time.
Vitamin C and lots of sleep.

^^^ Glad you found your dog....and in once piece no less.

I bought Season 2 of Metalocalypse over the weekend, and today I'm saying "Fuck the gym" and am going to watch the bonus features, followed by a Muppets Christmas movie marathon. That's right bitches....THE MUPPETS PWN ALL! :p
^ Be more careful with your dog! I feel so bad when I see lost dogs running around, and especially when they're running in the streets and cars don't even give a fuck enough to slow down. A couple of months ago I saw my neighbor's cat get run over by a car who didn't care to stop. It was a horrible sight. Just be more careful with him :)
I saw a dead cat the morning he ran away, I almost threw up while driving.

Thanks guys :)

I have this awful suspicion that my neighbors are the ones letting the dog out of my high fenced yard. This is the second time in the last month that my dog has run away. Over the summer a neighbor would ring our doorbell in the middle of the night because apparently our dogs barking in the night would wake them up three houses down. They figured the nice courteous thing to do would be to ring our doorbell and then ditch so that we would be awake too. Also some of the neighbor's friends have tried to get animal control after us. The only problem with our dogs is that they are barkers, otherwise we treat our pets wonderfully. I'm a huge pet shelter advocate and all five of my pets are rescues. I guess the neighbors don't like the fact that we call the cops on them when their parties are still raging loudly at 3am. :loco:
I have this awful suspicion that my neighbors are the ones letting the dog out of my high fenced yard. This is the second time in the last month that my dog has run away. Over the summer a neighbor would ring our doorbell in the middle of the night because apparently our dogs barking in the night would wake them up three houses down. They figured the nice courteous thing to do would be to ring our doorbell and then ditch so that we would be awake too. Also some of the neighbor's friends have tried to get animal control after us. The only problem with our dogs is that they are barkers, otherwise we treat our pets wonderfully. I'm a huge pet shelter advocate and all five of my pets are rescues. I guess the neighbors don't like the fact that we call the cops on them when their parties are still raging loudly at 3am. :loco:

If your dogs are outside and barking at all hours of the night....your neighbors rule and are in the right. Buy a goddamned shock collar.

If not...they're douchebags.
I saw a dead cat the morning he ran away, I almost threw up while driving.

Thanks guys :)

I have this awful suspicion that my neighbors are the ones letting the dog out of my high fenced yard. This is the second time in the last month that my dog has run away. Over the summer a neighbor would ring our doorbell in the middle of the night because apparently our dogs barking in the night would wake them up three houses down. They figured the nice courteous thing to do would be to ring our doorbell and then ditch so that we would be awake too. Also some of the neighbor's friends have tried to get animal control after us. The only problem with our dogs is that they are barkers, otherwise we treat our pets wonderfully. I'm a huge pet shelter advocate and all five of my pets are rescues. I guess the neighbors don't like the fact that we call the cops on them when their parties are still raging loudly at 3am. :loco:

wtf. if your neighbors are letting him out of the gate, then you need to go talk to them. like I don't think that is considered animal cruelty, but purposely letting a dog loose like that is asking for trouble and your dog could end up dead. I'm really glad to hear about the shelter thing tho. we're the same way. my mom is a huge animal lover so we even take care of the cats (2 of them) that are strays on the street, give them food and shelter when it is freezing cold and raining outside.
My dogs bark inside and outside, it doesn't really matter, its what they do. Its more the big dog than the little dog, the big dog is still in the late puppy stages. When the little dog was a puppy she drove the entire house insane with her barking. Literally one of the cats went nuts and began to constantly attack the little dog when she barked it was so bad. The neighbor's children also hate hate hate hate our dogs. They literally stand on the other side of our fence and scream at them, throwing things through the fence and all sorts of other things, its more obnoxious than the dogs barking in the first place. I don't know if the children are opening the gates, we have gates on two sides of the house. Either that or I have a super jumping dog.

That's really sweet of you Mystique to take care of the stray cats. Behind my dad's restaurant is a whole stray cat colony. An animal shelter takes care of them, most have been TNR(trapped, neutered and released). We help the animal shelter out as much as possible. When the town tried to get rid of the cats, which had cat houses on private property, my dad went ballistic on the mayor. It was a really sad week as most cats scattered onto a busy highway and died. My family is ridiculously pro animal.
┼Victim of the Night┼;7893363 said:
Thanks, Dr. Dre(d)! :p :)

You don't need vitamin c, it's too late for that if you're sick. You need Zinc, sleep, hot water to drink to keep your body temperature up which is what you want even though you go back and forth.
I just got ambushed by a fucking possum. Holy fuck those things are mean.
Was listening to music pretty loud so I couldn't hear its hiss as I got close to it, didn't see it since its brown fur fit in with the dirty snow so well, and I tend to look down when trying not to fall on icey as fuck driveways. Motherfucker charged at me out of nowhere, luckily there was a decent snowfall last night so I decided to wear my steel toed boots rather than shitty poseur skate-shoes.