I left my wallet and home today, and on lunch break at work we went out in this huge fucking blizzard to go to McDonalds

erk: The caf food was awful)... and yeah, I go to pay and I had no money. Luckily a friend covered for me, but it still sucked. This job is pretty lulz, but even though I am the smartest person in training, do the best work and finished my evaluation first (2 hours before everyone else in fact), I am still going to get in shit on Monday for coming in 10 minutes late because IT'S A FUCKING BLIZZARD OUT! But whatever

If I stayed there for a long time I know I'd be a supervisor for sure in 6 months, but I don't plan on being there longer than 6 months so :Smug: I hope I get hired for Tech Support, they make 14 bucks an hour and get no calls... I make 11 but meh, it's not a bad base salary for a shitty job