The return of the "How are you today?" thread

Still feel like shit, still on my almost two week long headache except now i'm getting panic attacks from not being able to do my coursework. Doctors....umm i mean physician's assistants are idiots.

In happier news....i got my certificate to be an english teacher :D now i just gotta get off my lazy ass and find me a job.

You can play teacher, and i can play student who doesn't do his homework and has to stay after school :)


You can play teacher, and i can play student who doesn't do his homework and has to stay after school :)


Dude... don't you EVER get laid?

On-topic- I'm running on 25 hours no sleep thus far. That's normally nothing for me but since some health issues have been acting up I'm dragging big time. So far today has consisted of taking an 8am final exam, library to blow time and check email, going to the gynecologist for an annual check up, walking 25 blocks back to campus, eating lunch truck food to ruin it and now sitting in the library again trying to force myself to research what my gyne prescribed before I get it filled. In an hour I go to another hospital for an annual MRI of the brain. Joy, I get to strip down to nothing but socks for the second time today, wearing a thin hospital gown while I lay in a monstrous machine and have pictures taken of my brain while an IV shoots contrast solution through my system.

Then of course to top it off I get to go home around oh say 6pm and finish a paper that's not technically due til tomorrow at 6pm, but my group project leader is a fucking wench and actually wanted the paper done Monday.


Oh, and not only did I get my period late (again!) but it ended after only 4 fucking measly days. I'm falling apart.

Edit: Oh btw, I now have a stomach ache from all the popcorn I ate while watching this thread last night. Unfortunately my internet connection was too weak for me to participate.
Yea i do; everyday. :lol: but it is not enough if it's with the same person and i get bored. You feel my pain? You have to clear out that schedule ASAP. This is obviously the worst time of the year when it comes to taking care of a cluster fuck of stuff. Sleep in!

Edit: I thought you liked me :(
The only problem with Andy being blind, is when they say he'd fuck anything...once blind he probably would.
That includes random objects on the street, seeing as once you being disables and lose your sight, I can imagine one just wouldn't give a fuck.
The only problem with Andy being blind, is when they say he'd fuck anything...once blind he probably would.
That includes random objects on the street, seeing as once you being disables and lose your sight, I can imagine one just wouldn't give a fuck.

Im just preparing for ye mum. The paper bag falls off after about 5 minutes of raw rodding.
sex and science.....awesome.
Wrong. God you suck at math....

What makes me wonder is that you seem to post only in this thread. You barely communicate with the people, so noone gets to know you. I just ask myself if anyone is interested in the feelings of a person he doesn't know. And I ask myself why you always post here, and from time to time in other pure selfprofiling threads like "What are you listening to" and "What are you doing at this moment?"

Serious question.