The return of the "How are you today?" thread

Fucking shitty-shit.

Found out my best friend (whom I've seen a grand total of once since she moved back) has now moved back to Winnipeg.

Fuck life.
I feel like I don't wanna go to work walking and driving on the snow.

I wonder what this must feel like. Over here, it feels like summer. Beautiful bright blue skies outside, temps in the 70s and 80s (which would be 21-27 Celsius). I do enjoy it, but at the same time I feel like we don't get winter here anymore :(
it'sb een snowing here.
The school's closed. and we cant go anywhere anyway. so we're just walking around teh street and snopwball fights and shit so i'm a good mood :)
Bit shit. Moved countries a few days ago to go study in England for a few months and know noone properly here yet.Also I can't top up phone credit in this blasted country because my phone is set to a solely Irish network. Fucking fantastic.
I'm not happy because of yesterday's game against the French, and Denmark is really starting to seriously piss me off! :mad:

first I find out they slaughter dolphins EVERY YEAR, because it's some stupid tradition...
then yesterday...

p.s. - if you're Danish and normal I apologize...
He can't keep time for crap anymore, and on top of that, he had to get up after every song to stretch his legs or something, so the tempo of the concert was not smooth at all.

Lars never has been a good drummer, tbh. He was adequate, on the first four albums, but he's never really been more than that. Nowadays, he's just terrible.
Lars never has been a good drummer, tbh. He was adequate, on the first four albums, but he's never really been more than that. Nowadays, he's just terrible.

The word is that they were gonna kick him out right before Cliff died, but decided not to after that because they were afraid the band would break up. And of course, we know that if he got kicked out now, the band would end. So I guess we're stuck with the bastard.