The return of the "How are you today?" thread

whatz up with the hatin? yeah people are cunts. But metallica wouldn`d be Metallica without james/kirk/lars.
School's closed again today cause of more snow.. :)
Amazing what 3 inches of snow can do to the United Kingdom :lol:
My morning started off as me being a terrible cook and burning my wrist while trying to cook. Smooth, right?

Now, I'm amused and in a great mood. We're expecting more snow soon. =]
Sorry, Chris. :lol:
Just got accepted to University of Maryland! Apparently it's hard to get accepted if you are not living in the state. This is very exciting!!!
I am...sick. I have strep throat which sucks major balls. I've been off of work since Monday, and yesterday I had no voice. Everytime I cough, I can't stop. Bleh. But, other than sick, I'm feeling alright! lol.