my valenties day
then i left at like 11
sounds like it was boring as fucki never leave before 2 am
Only if you're underaged. [/MarcDutroux]lol. Just visit Belgium. You can get all the none consensual buggery you can lay your eyes on.
then i left at like 11
sounds like it was boring as fucki never leave before 2 am
woah! 2 am! you're so cool!
but all in all, greaaat day
this is the ol' lady
On-topic: Once again, someone has managed to ruin my perfectly good mood with information I really didn't want to know at all. Way to go, bitch.
I feel really good
my valenties day
was reallllly good
so i started going out with my girlfriend last tuesday so it hasnt been that long but she's really awesome and we have a lot in common. so yesterday she got me a sweeet skinlab hat and a rose, and i baked her some sugar cookies and got her roses and chocolates so we just chilled at her house and she straightened my hair haha and then we went to see the movie taken which was fucking BADASS liam neeson is a damn beast. then we came back to her house, had some good ol' sexy time then i left at like 11
but all in all, greaaat day
this is the ol' lady