The return of the "How are you today?" thread

And of course, the first thing to do is to come posting it on the internet.

"Twitter : 09h45 - I feel great today, gonna meet some friends !

Twitter : 10h32 - Actually my grandpa died, so I'm gonna stay home crying instead. FMLife.

Twitter : 11h06 - I just made myself a warm chocolate. Who wants some ?

Twitter : 12h22 - I'm still crying."

Fuck you, young people.

fucking epic rant
^ This is one of those rare times where I don't feel like that. I slept fifteen hours once, and was thinking of nothing but sleep the entire day, but if I sleep like two hours, I'm wide awake.
And of course, the first thing to do is to come posting it on the internet.

"Twitter : 09h45 - I feel great today, gonna meet some friends !

Twitter : 10h32 - Actually my grandpa died, so I'm gonna stay home crying instead. FMLife.

Twitter : 11h06 - I just made myself a warm chocolate. Who wants some ?

Twitter : 12h22 - I'm still crying."

Fuck you, young people.

Twitter: 11h06 - Listening to a Beautiful Eulogy

Twitter: 11h24 - Wtf no open bar?!?!
I don't really know if I understood what you said correctly, but actually nothing seems to be working in Youtube right now. Links to it don't work either, nor do the search results that come up in Google. It's pretty friggin' frustrating, an error just comes up each time I tried to access the site.
Damn networking, damn administrators and damn computer, whatever.
I'm just all over the place today. Things took a downward spiral, and I'm just not happy to be home where I can sit and think about things. A few friends helped me, but things still aren't easy. I guess I can just hope that tomorrow will be better..
I don't really know if I understood what you said correctly, but actually nothing seems to be working in Youtube right now. Links to it don't work either, nor do the search results that come up in Google. It's pretty friggin' frustrating, an error just comes up each time I tried to access the site.
Damn networking, damn administrators and damn computer, whatever.

You should probably stop getting so angry when a privilege, that comes to you for free, is momentarily working improperly for a short period of time, making the assumption that the people who make their living off the website are doing nothing to fix it. It makes you come off as a bit of a spoiled bitch.
I'm very good like most of the time unlike most of you :) I went to eat and the cinema with my mom to celebrate teacher's day!! We saw Fast N Furious for like the 5th time :lol: She really loves that movie (Or maybe Vin Diesel :p)
You should probably stop getting so angry when a privilege, that comes to you for free, is momentarily working improperly for a short period of time, making the assumption that the people who make their living off the website are doing nothing to fix it. It makes you come off as a bit of a spoiled bitch.

Yeah, I guess you're right. Anyway, when this privilege has come for free for years without ever being interrupted, not once, I guess one gets their mind a bit fucked when it crashes for the first time in (their own) history. And I think I even am quite a spoiled bitch at times. :)

Today I'm doing just fine. Just watched a movie that ended in an absolutely unexpected (and quite negative) way, so I decided to look for another one, probably one of those dumbass comedies, to balance the other one's impact a bit. And listening to folk metal :kickass: