The return of the "How are you today?" thread

Today has been busy. Cleaning for four hours, and then rushing to get dressed and everything really tires you out.

Oh well, though. The time spent with my boyfriend and the awesome food cooked was well worth it.
Last night was great. Beer, vodka, Star Wars, Halo 3 and a couple of good friends.
I like that :]

Sounds like one hell of a night. I need to call up a few of my friends for a night like that.

On topic: Today has been chaotic. Graduation is near and everyone is getting ready for it. Everything is disorganized, but things are going smoothly now.
Fanta > Everything

I'm weird enough sober, I don't know what would happen if I was drunk with my firends :lol:
My day has been a rollercoaster. My friends and I said one of our two final goodbyes today. Of course, I cried like a goddamn baby. More graduation preparations were made and I received another award for not being a dropout. Woo.

But my boyfriend helped to cheer me up by playing (and almost beating me in) a game of Monopoly and buying me ice cream after I told him he didn't have to, but he did anyway. Then a few friends cheered me up by acting goofy in a game of charades. I'm just gonna try to relax now.