The return of the "How are you today?" thread

Today at school my friend came into the locker room and showed me a pick he found on the ground.
It was pretty cool, it had a D'Addario logo on it (:D) and had the London Guitar Show 2008 logo on the back, so it probably was only handed out there. Also it was the PERFECT fit for me (it was one of the big pizza-slice style ones and was a fairly thick gauge).
He doesn't play guitar (at the moment, I'm gonna give him some basic lessons this August), so I reminded him of the lessons and the fact that I'd promised him my current guitar when I get a new one, and managed to make him fork it over.
Speaking of guitar, my boyfriend is trying to teach me how to play. He went over some basics with me, but I think his efforts may be futile. He started me out with the simplest verse in the world: The opening to "Nothing Else Matters" by Metallica. He says I show promise. Let's hope so.

On topic: I'm doing fantastic! Today went great. I went over to his place to help him celebrate his birthday. Tomorrow will be a different story because I am graduating. Oh shit.
Reading posts by The Archaic Con, seems like they remind me of someone, but don't know who... but well, I'm surely wrong anyway, haha.

On topic:
I feel too hot... damn weather, if only it could rain again like yesterday, it felt sooo much better!!! I hate nice weather (well, not always, sure)!!
Oh its overcast here. I crossed the border into France yesterday for lol's. It was fucking boiling there.

Its then that you appreciate Germany a fuck load more when you jump the border into the third world.
I had a great day. I've been in Oslo City all day. There was so much happenings there today (yesterday, since it's passed twelve). Over 30 free concerts and LOTS of stalls with food and stuff xD I didn't go to any concerts because they were only playing some really bad hiphop, acapella-turds and country-ish music... Instead me, my mom, my brother and his gf walked along a placed called Aker Brygge (brygge = wharf) wich has lots of resturants, shops and drug-addicts :lol: And I have to mention the weather. Jeez! It was perfect. Sun and absolutley no clouds. Hot as hell, so my black home made Children Of Bodom top wasn't a smart choise, but what the hell :P

Great day in Oslo!
I'm home in RI now. It's strange to be home. Don't know how I feel.

What adversity? You're a fat, white, Christian male in America, there is no bigger demographic.

Exactly my point. My school gives full rides to black kids who can kinda play basketball. They give huge scholarships to minority students - even those who don't need them - in the name of "promoting diversity" to the school. Meanwhile, poor white kids like me don't get any help and have to deal with the complete incompetents who work in the financial aid department fucking up our shit all the time.

And FYI, I'm not racist. My best friend here at home is black. But I don't think it's right when unfair decisions like that occur just because a minority is involved. There ought to be more oversight and review of individual cases.
I'm home in RI now. It's strange to be home. Don't know how I feel.

Exactly my point. My school gives full rides to black kids who can kinda play basketball. They give huge scholarships to minority students - even those who don't need them - in the name of "promoting diversity" to the school. Meanwhile, poor white kids like me don't get any help and have to deal with the complete incompetents who work in the financial aid department fucking up our shit all the time.

And FYI, I'm not racist. My best friend here at home is black. But I don't think it's right when unfair decisions like that occur just because a minority is involved. There ought to be more oversight and review of individual cases.

good luck living your life expecting charity from people/goverment
Why is this every person's excuse? :lol:

It's not an excuse, dude, I just don't want a bunch of people jumping down my throat about the fact that I said something derogatory about specific African Americans and thinking that I mean it about all of them. I've seen it happen on here before.

good luck living your life expecting charity from people/goverment

I'm not expecting charity. I would expect, though, that a nation that claims to want to help every citizen within its borders would at least make an effort to live up to that promise, instead of letting a group get brushed aside just because they're in the majority.

FYI: I didn't want to get into a pissing contest with anyone over this. I'm just expressing my opinion about a system that's clearly broken. But I suppose I should expect as much from this place.
I'm not expecting charity. I would expect, though, that a nation that claims to want to help every citizen within its borders would at least make an effort to live up to that promise, instead of letting a group get brushed aside just because they're in the majority.

FYI: I didn't want to get into a pissing contest with anyone over this. I'm just expressing my opinion about a system that's clearly broken. But I suppose I should expect as much from this place.

all in seriousness, are you serious? name 1 goverment that gives a shit people. when did the "system" was ever fixed? Are you that naive or that lazy?
all in seriousness, are you serious? name 1 goverment that gives a shit people. when did the "system" was ever fixed? Are you that naive or that lazy?

I should be fair and say that it's less about the government and more about my school. Because plenty of my friends at other schools don't have this problem. But Seton Hall is absolutely terrible. They don't care in the least how they treat the upperclassmen as long as the school looks good to incoming freshmen, their parents, and the Princeton Review.

And I blame the nation for letting private schools get away with this kind of thing. They hold public schools to higher standards but let private schools treat their students however they want.

And yes, I know it was my choice to continue to go to school there. I put up with it because I liked the environment I was in and the opportunities I had. But that does not excuse the school's treatment of large groups of students.