The return of the "How are you today?" thread

Why is this every person's excuse? :lol:

They say something derogatory against the negro race and then justify it with "it's cool, my best friend is black so that makes me entitled to say this". It's not like you would feel otherwise if you didn't have a black friend so wtf was the reasoning behind that statement :lol: Doesn't prove you not to be a racist (nor did your statement in the first place), just proves you to be slow and potentially a hypocrite!

Sounds like my pals-talk to me!

GET HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

FYI, I'm not racist...
^There's a difference between deciding to go somewhere else and being forced to go somewhere else. Forced is what I meant when the school fucked up processing my loans five times in a row and then threatened to kick me out of on-campus housing because my tuition wasn't paid. As if it was my fault that they made the same mistake five fucking times in a row.
Fine, but my legs and back are fucked up. Have played 6 matches on two days, and I had no opportunity to say that I couldn't play anymore.
Now I'll go to bed, watch tv and relax.. And trying to forget the exam tomorrow.
otherwise, I'm fine today.
my computer is dying. so I gotta save my shit and reformat now... it's really a pain without an external hard drive :erk:
I'm fine :) Tired though. I've been tidying my room all day. Cause you could barely walk cause it was literally knee deep in clothes and stuff. Insane
And I took some posters down and put new ones up... still in the middle of that bit though..

And my hayefever has been acting up. Feels like I have a cold :( blah.

But i'm in a pretty good mood anyway :)
Necrö;8327446 said:
my computer is dying. so I gotta save my shit and reformat now... it's really a pain without an external hard drive :erk:

Yeah, I am so happy i got one. Most practical gift dad ever gave me on a birthday :kickass: Western Digital externals are really cheap though...last i checked it was like 50€ for a 160 gb and 60-70 for a 250-360 gb. 1 terabyte was 100€
Estoy bueno. Quiero comer, y quiero salir de mi escuela pronto. 3 dias más. I feel like posting in Spanish today.
Oh yeah, woops. I never heard it used for that before in Colombian Spanish.

Necesito practicar mi español más. Estar en los estados unidos ha sido malo para mi español.

Y, soy bueno. :D
^What does that translate into in US? Because I got my 500 gig one for $150 (plus $20 for a new enclosure because theirs suck ass), and if the 1 terabyte ones are now in that price range I will be very happy.

Well, I was to a computer part store on like Saturday or something and it was definetly 100€ for a 1 TB. Usually with these kinda prices you just say its 100$ too because everything is cheaper in US. It's usually same amount of dollars as euros for some reason :lol:

EDIT: Checked it. It was the Mac-ready ones that were 100€. The ones for PC were only 89€ (1 TB)