The return of the "How are you today?" thread

@Lady Lucid: That sucks, I feel sorry for him. :)

@LL: Sorry about that, hope you and him are okay.

Thank you both. The service was beautiful and the family seems to be okay. Tomorrow will certainly be a test for my boyfriend because he and his brother have to carry the casket. Thank you for your kind words and I'll pass them on to him.

By the way, Chris, congrats on the job.

And Nerve, happy birthday.
I was doing okay until just a few minutes ago. One of my friends just told me she could probably steal my boyfriend if she tried hard enough. Some friend, right?

Honestly, I thought she would have left ridiculous things like that back in high school. I suppose some people never grow up. *shakes head sadly*
I've just realised how totally unprepared I am for the exam tomorrow... I've also discovered that I get an uncontrollable "nervous" twitch above my left eye, it's really annoying, especially since, in spite of the situation, I'm really quite relaxed about the exam overall.
great day so far

this morning i was walking to school and my friend rolls up next to me in his corvette (bastard) and hes like dude lets smoke! so i jump in his car and we park and smoke a shitload then i go to school. its its my last day and i have one stupid class and its computer science and all i did was listen to music really loud and i was just having a really nice high. and tonight my best friend is throwing a big house party and his abondonded old house, should be fucking awesommeee and a great start to the summer
great day so far

Chillin' out maxin' relaxin' all cool. Shootin some b-ball outside of the school when a couple of guys who were up to no good startin making trouble in my neighborhood. I got in one little fight and my mom got scared, she said 'You're movin' with your auntie and uncle in Bel Air'
^^ When it comes to rivalry girls never change...

Sad, but true.

She has it in her head that she's better than everyone else. I hate to break it to her, but her shit stinks just like everyone else's. She is no better than me just like I am no better than her.

I told my boyfriend what she said, and his reaction was EXACTLY like Swabs' "HAHAHAHAHAHAHA" post.
I'm in a good mood. I've been panicking about exams, but I dont care about this History one this afternoon.
I should be revising for it. But the chances are none of it will sink in. I doubt it will change my grade anyway. Maybe a few marks but..
Ah well.