The return of the "How are you today?" thread

Oh yeah, woops. I never heard it used for that before in Colombian Spanish.

Necesito practicar mi español más. Estar en los estados unidos ha sido malo para mi español.

Y, soy bueno. :D

Oh well that explains it :p Even though is the same language (spanish), it's like if it was a different one in each country, for example Jose (COCOB) if he spoke to us in spanish the way they speak it in spain we wouldn't understand half of what he says :lol:
No puedo entender Español de Mexico completemente. Muchos Mexicanos viven en mi cuidad. Vives en Mexico?
Well, I was to a computer part store on like Saturday or something and it was definetly 100€ for a 1 TB. Usually with these kinda prices you just say its 100$ too because everything is cheaper in US. It's usually same amount of dollars as euros for some reason :lol:

EDIT: Checked it. It was the Mac-ready ones that were 100€. The ones for PC were only 89€ (1 TB)

I might have to invest in one of those soon because I've only got about 75 GB left free on my 500 GB external.

Who here thinks I have too much music/too many movies? :lol:
Fuck, I need a life... And I'm kinda tired.

I just pulled an all nighter, and I have school in less than three hours.
To waste time, I decided to lurk the forum once again after mysteriously disappearing for god knows how long...
Also spoke abit to Muffin and someone else on msn. ^.^

I need coffee. Lots of it.
my finals week is/has been a joke
yesterday i had chemistry and german, the only two classes i really had finals in
today i had english (didnt do anything), history, which i finished last week so i didnt have to go, and now im in study hall
and tomorrow i have computer science and then im outttttt

fuck yeah

then summer school LOL
Well, this is the end of the day, and I'm meditating on the idea of getting old, because this is my birthday (that NONE OF YOU FUCKERS WISHED ME ><).

No, actually I don't care.