The return of the "How are you today?" thread

I'm not sick, but I'm going to be tommorow as I just realised I havn't done an essay that's meant to be handed in tommorow :lol:
Can I ask you why? :) ...sorry, I shouldn't be so curious, I know. :p

Yeah, sure. Happiness is all gone though, and I am back to being the same old paranoid psycho as always. Anyway, that night I had a received a totally unexpected phone call from this person of the opposite gender who wanted to hang out. I couldn't make it, but still, the call was really nice.

And on a side note, but still referring to that same person, WHY DO I ONLY MEET WEIRDOS?! I am such a magnet to weirdos! Each one is worse than the previous and I think I am growing a really high tolerance for weirdness, which is not a good thing.
I am sick since 9 days arghhh

feelin very sick i ate to much cake :lol:

Yeah, sure. Happiness is all gone though, and I am back to being the same old paranoid psycho as always. Anyway, that night I had a received a totally unexpected phone call from this person of the opposite gender who wanted to hang out. I couldn't make it, but still, the call was really nice.

And on a side note, but still referring to that same person, WHY DO I ONLY MEET WEIRDOS?! I am such a magnet to weirdos! Each one is worse than the previous and I think I am growing a really high tolerance for weirdness, which is not a good thing.

It's been the worst day of this entire year I go to bed a very unhappy man tonight

*hugs* :(