The return of the "How are you today?" thread

I'm okay.
Considering I went into school for a whole day to catchup with Art coursework. DURING MY EASTER HOLIDAYS.
It was a laugh.
I'm probably going to go out shopping since there is a crackhead ranting outside my door, which is creepy for a while and just turns to irritating.
I'm doing quite good, well.. It's Easter holdiday so I'm lazy as fuck but it feels good. Today I've slept until I woke up (REALLY?):OMG:
Then I bought a cake and celebrated Alexis birthday, nobody was at home to do it with me.. But it tasted fucken good anyways!
Then I bought a cake and celebrated Alexis birthday, nobody was at home to do it with me.. But it tasted fucken good anyways!

Haha, my mom asked me to make a cake today, I was like WTF HOW DID YOU REMEMBER ????, then I realized she wanted me to make a cake for easter. I still ate some today for the lulz (and to remind myself of how fun it was to be a dedicated fangirl some time ago, which I don't really have time for anymore, plus I have a bf now so it would be kinda gross...)

And srsly, holy shit, Alexi just turned 30 !!! Soon enough he's gonna have grey hair and wrinkles :lol:
:lol: sorry about that, but that's america :Smokin:

edit : you live in canada ... humm, hope he's gone now !
She's me neighbor. :p

Then I bought a cake and celebrated Alexis birthday, nobody was at home to do it with me.. But it tasted fucken good anyways!

What are the 10 things you guys do to cheer yourselvs up when you have a bad day or weird day?

1. Listen to somthing other than metal
2. Watch Blades of Glory or anything funny
3. Go see a great concert or even a bad concert so you can have somthing to laugh about later on
4. Call a relative
5. Do somthing you thought you would never do
6. Clean (Im a clean freak)
7. Go to a Party
8. Invent a game
9. Write a song
10. Workout or somthing..
What are the 10 things you guys do to cheer yourselvs up when you have a bad day or weird day?

1. Listen to somthing other than metal
2. Watch Blades of Glory or anything funny
3. Go see a great concert or even a bad concert so you can have somthing to laugh about later on
4. Call a relative
5. Do somthing you thought you would never do
6. Clean (Im a clean freak)
7. Go to a Party
8. Invent a game
9. Write a song
10. Workout or somthing..

1. Fap
2. Eat Cap'n Crunch
3. Take long showers while singing cool songs
4. Play guitars
5. High five my chihuahua:
6. Talk to guys who sound like girls on Xbox Live
7. Go to In-N-Out and get a milkshake
8. Browse the COB Pics thread for sweet images to save to my hard drive
9. Photoshop images such as:
10. Watch --> [ame][/ame]