The Return of the In Flames Forum on UM

Hey there!

When the old In Flames Board was closed I wrote to In Flames Webmaster Fredrik Kreem and asked him why the board was closed. He said that the band wanted it so. So what was the reason?? Looks like some of you know something about that?
You'll have to get the reason from Fredrik. But, since this is not endorsed by the band (and as such is run and controlled by UM), it won't be going anywhere :)
Episode666 said:
Do you have ANY idea how much I miss these goofy posts? /forum/images/smilies/lol.gif

Maybe he's inhaling from a helium balloon? *dumb look*

Do you have any idea how much I miss someone who enjoys these goofy posts? :grin:
Arnold and I have been alone faaar too long :zzz:
rahvin said:
i'll start posting more on hmas as soon as i'm done working on a translation. /forum/images/smilies/smile.gif

Keep posting here too
Why did this forum pop up? What happened at HMAS? Oh wait, Reno made too many queerish rules. Fuck Reno. No seriously, besides that, why?
NoLordy Capone said:
Why did this forum pop up? What happened at HMAS? Oh wait, Reno made too many queerish rules. Fuck Reno. No seriously, besides that, why?

I don't think it has anything to do with HMAS.. Mark's just looking to make UM a better place..
Why exactly was the official forum closed down? I went away from it for a while after the band posted an angry message about fans bitching about their current direction (the old Jester Race Vs Clayman debate) That was sometime before RTR came out. I was just wondering.