The Royal Carnage suggestion box!

Quick vote (answer 'yay' or 'nay') - shall we get rid of this dormant thread? It serves no purpose really, unless you all secretly read all this on a daily basis.
I don't, the only reason I clicked on it now is because I saw someone replied to it. :grin:

Honestly, I think any suggestions would be better fulfilled via PMs or emails...
It's where people can say "Oh I'd like a review of Fermented Vaginal Discharge's split cassette EP 'Disgorging Foetal Mucus' released in a limited edition of 23 only in western Belarus" and we can say "Oh, sure thing" and then it doesn't happen in the foreseeable future anyway :p
Well, at least 3 of us on staff are Type O Negative fans, myself, Black Winter Day, and Evil C. They're actually one of my favorite bands, hmm...
I just received the original copy of Bloody Kisses which has re-kindled my interest in Type O Negative. I could've sworn you guys had a "Life is Killing Me" review, but its not there. Any reviews or anything in the works about these guys? Not that I mean to keep being a pain in the ass. :grin:
OK since this sticky along with the Japanese translation thingy gets updated once every six months, I am 'unsticking' them. They're useless for the most part, but they'll only be unstuck which means people can still search for them if they need updating.
Allure of the Earth said:
Ashmedi from Melechesh
Great idea. Has anyone ever seen an interview with Melechesh? They're far and few between. As soon as I track down a copy of Djinn and absorb it a few times, I'll contact the band. Thanks.