I'd pretty much base my decision on that as well, though it seems to make more sense to go to a top 10 college in England [3 year course] which ends up relatively inexpensive, but I'm guessing England might be weird and uptight. It truly sucks that I'd have to base my decisions purely on finances.Yeah money is a terrible thing. It blows my mind how much it costs to go to school.
Drexel is rated #88 of U.S. universities and #96-98 in the world. You could do a LOT worse. I'd base your decision on whether you want to live in England or the USA to be honest. In this day and age a degree is a degree.
I don't really have too good a knowledge about the American system with regards to majors/minors, it's very alien to me and I haven't paid much attention towards that. Though I'd love to do a bit Math/Sociology/Psychology/History if possible.Any other fine arts or graphic design majors up in this shizz?
I don't know how good that works with an international student.Loans and financial aid ftmfw.
England's uni system doesn't seem weird and uptight at all though obviously I can only speak from my experience visiting a friend who attended University of Edinburgh (and that's Scotland - but almost all the students were English).
I actually meant the peopleObviously in being uptight Indian society trumps most places, but the UK system of education is akin to what happens here. So there's that familiarity bonus, added to the fact that I love Football [expecting a barrage from you Yanks].
Well, apart from the obvious increase in the course load, what's the intrinsic difference between an additional major or leaving that course as a minor? Plus, I know how a GPA works, but what are the various determinants? Only tests?
It's not like East Asia where ONE TEST DETERMINES ALL.
I'm figuring I'll get a rough estimate here considering most of our lifestyles won't be drastically different.
I need a rough estimate with regards to how much I'll need for living expenses, annually, if I were to live in a big city like Philly, keeping in mind that I won't be using a car and as a student. And I'd like to know how much I would end up spending even if I were to live frugally [just to calculate finances]. Thanks in advance, ASAP if possible.