i just had the best weekend...skipped school thursdau, took a little dxm, and had friday off
took dph last night and hallucinated voices, saw psychedelic patters on my tv, and thought a mailbox was a dog
woke up still high, got in my car, and took a bunch of huge dab hits with my friend. first time smoking weed. got in the car and drove to the store high as fuck, got too distracted by the colors to buy food so we just got drinks and drove again got out, walked around some abandoned buildisngs to smoke, and for some reason i stole a thermostat
took a huge rip driving to 711, and spent the next 10 minutes trying not to puke all over myself while driving high as fuck. went back to where my friend lives, walked around the woods, and we were gonna smoke some morr cigarettes but i couldbt find my lighter
drove again still high as fuck to 711 and bought a whole pizza