The Shitposting Thread

Wasn't implying anything like that either. But I think CiG's had enough WA bashing for one day by the looks.
Wasn't implying anything like that either. But I think CiG's had enough WA bashing for one day by the looks.

You're only bashing yourself via ignorant and embarrassing statements though. Whadjuk isn't a singular modern spot that some crackers gave an indigenous name out of pity, it's a huge region of W.A. that encompasses many places and the name only has pre-colonial recognition.

That's why it was retarded that you a) tried to find it on Google Maps and b) compared it Djerriwarrh. You probably should have just Googled it before Google Mapping it you tall twat.
tried to find it on Google Maps
To be fair all I did was click on Location: Whadjuk beneath your profile pic out of curiosity & that's what happened.

Certainly getting maximum wahhh extraction out of CiG today.
For the record Wathaurong shows up in Google Maps too.

And I'm not projecting anything, that's literally what happened. Click the button beneath your avatar and see for yourself.
For the record Wathaurong shows up in Google Maps too.

Does your mother's asshole show up on Google Maps? I know Australia's does, it's called Melbourne.

And I'm not projecting anything, that's literally what happened. Click the button beneath your avatar and see for yourself.

Damn bruh I think you need another coffee, you're confused. I'm saying you're projecting by saying I'm wah-ing, because you got crushed.
If anything I think the whole thing comes down to CiG getting the spelling of Wajuk wrong.