The Shitposting Thread

.... From the great Dr. Berger.....

Berger, who is a consulting psychiatrist in Toronto and whose list of credentials establishes him as an expert in the field of mental illness, stated that people who identify themselves as "transgendered" are mentally ill or simply unhappy, and pointed out that hormone therapy and surgery are not appropriate treatments for psychosis or unhappiness.

"The medical treatment of delusions, psychosis or emotional happiness is not surgery," Dr. Berger stated.

Figured out Dark Souls is great for making character portraits. While I'm just working out the proportions of it n stuff, I got 2 of my old characters made for it for writing purposes.
Given that athletic traits are improved by use, I'm not sure you can separate this from the effects of socialization. As a society, we pretty aggressively funnel boys into sports from an early age while girls receive much less of a push in that direction, or, in many cases are actively discouraged from participating. When girls are encouraged in athletic endeavors, these are often 'balance' sports like cheerleading and gymnastics, where boys go into football, basketball, soccer etc., sports that encourage the development of explosive athletic traits. Even in unstructured play, we see boys encouraged and pushed into rambunctious and physical forms of play, while girls face the expectation that their play will be in a quieter, more reserved and more properly "feminine" mold. This is a sort of self-fulfilling prophecy.

I don't usually get into these sort of circular conversation because both sides are usually wrong, but in this case I agree with CiG and if for some reason this is the way you see the world then I suggest you get the fuck out of your bubble and look at the wider world around you, it's been changing for quite a number of years.

Your own world might push only boys into sports, and push girls into cheer leading but there is a whole world outside your vision of thinking. For the last 30 or so years kids I know have not been pushed into any sport, they have chosen the sport they do. Schools encourage the kids to participate, not participate only if they have a set of balls. Schools have offered a wide variety of sports and each and every one of them is co-ed. There is boys doing everything from basketball to football to dancing, likewise there is girls doing everything from netball to football. Just because your world is tainted with shit don't put the rest of the world in the same stink pile of your creation.

For the record I have one niece who has just finished school and is planing on taking the 'easy' athletic path of becoming a high school physical education teacher while the other one is fielding offers from reps to join either the professional cricket competition or the winter soccer league. Guess I should tell them they ought to be doing cheer leading instead!
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There is boys doing everything from basketball to football to dancing

one of my male cousins is a world champion ballroom dancer and i have a younger female cousin who folds all her brothers arms and is actually interested in trying out armwrestling as a sport. I might just take her to a tourney soon since they have weight-classes for girls too.
I should have lead with my cuz who spent two years wresting/training with the WWE before coming back home and making a career from his manly sport which he was obviously pushed into at a young age. His girlfriend, now wife, also spent quite a few years standing ringside cheering him on. That would have helped the stupid story that only boys play rough sports and girls do cheerleading. :)
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yeah, i dont think there's anyone out there who has a legit problem with girls playing whatever sports they want(i personally dont like womens MMA but i would never say "it shouldnt exist") .... the problem is when they start playing each other in combat/physical sports where one gender definitely has an advantage over the other and can seriously hurt them. I dont want to see a full grown man punching, slamming or running over women.
If these bloody uppity women just stayed home and did the dishes and the cleaning, I'm sure they could be offered some free time one day a week to do their cheer leading and dancing. :)
I'm allowed to make fun of home keepers because I am one :P
I work 40+ hours a week in my own businesses, I do all the cooking and the housework, inside and out and I run the kids around. My wife works a standard 38 hour week in an office. The difference is I do the majority of my work at stupid hours of the night when I don't sleep.
I'm allowed to make fun of home keepers because I am one :p
I work 40+ hours a week in my own businesses, I do all the cooking and the housework, inside and out and I run the kids around. My wife works a standard 38 hour week in an office. The difference is I do the majority of my work at stupid hours of the night when I don't sleep.
i have a buddy who does the same thing. I always fuck around with him and say that he's the mother of their house. ;)

but yeah, stay at home moms have one of the hardest and most important jobs around imo so i hate it when i see people discredit them as if their 9-5 office job is harder than that womens full time(as in 24 hours of the day!) job and i hate it even more when some of these modern day feminazis get offended when you tell them the same thing.
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in what way? Women and men are not the same so therefore should not be treated identically.
Maybe I'm just retarded at wording shit, but basically what Slammed said above. They don't need to be treated/pushed one way or another from the get-go. The differences will arise anyway and kids can be treated in response to their individual personalities. The ones inclined to become the next "backbone of humanity" you spoke of can do so. Most of which will probably have penises, but I don't see why what's in their pants is such a focus. Is it a problem if country girls are raised to be tougher than suburban boys?

The point of my post was to argue with you.
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I don't see why what's in their pants is such a focus. Is it a problem if country girls are raised to be tougher than suburban boys?
you mentioned slammed's legit response but again seem to be missing the point of my post. The blood sweat and tears are the lives lost by men who sacrificed their lives so you can sit here on the internet and type out your nonsense. A team of female football/rugby players cannot compete against a team of male football/rugby players. You would have injured/dead women if that happened. A battlefield(you know, the blood sweat and tears i mentioned) filled with women would get slaughtered by a battlefield filled with men. Which is the same reason i said i have no problem with women competing with each other in ANY sport, but have a HUGE problem with men and women competing with each other in sports that actually have blood and guts involved. How are you having difficulty with this?
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you mentioned slammed's legit response but again seem to be missing the point of my post. The blood sweat and tears are the lives lost by men who sacrificed their lives so you can sit here on the internet and type out your nonsense. A team of female football/rugby players cannot compete agains a team of male football/rugby players. You wold have injured/dead women if that happened. A battlefield(you know, the blood sweat and tears i mentioned) filled with women would get slaughtered by a battlefield filled with men. Which is the same reason i said i have no problem with women competing with each other in ANY sport, but have a HUGE problem with men and women competing with each other in sports that actually have blood and guts involved. How are you having difficulty with this?

As shameful as it may sound, I got my ass WHOOPED by a woman in my wrestling weight class.