The Shitposting Thread


No one asked you to get your little monster out.
I do sympathise with you. Bread crates used to tear the shit out of my hands.
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The one thing that absolutely pissed me off was the number of mice and rats we found sleeping in between the crates. We could transport the little (sometimes big) fuckers half way around the state and then lift one crate off another and a mouse or rat would jump out of it's nice warm bed. It's not a case of being scared it's a case of the brain not expecting something to be there and when the eyes see movement the brain goes into shock. I've dropped crates of bread on my toes, off the loading dock, off the truck. I've smacked walls, smacked other crates, all sort of stupid things when shit like that has happened.
I have yet to deal with mice or insects when it comes to working here, thank god.

I bet that is fucking annoying though. And you cant do jack shit about it
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Yeah fuck all can be done other than practise your dance steps as your brain comes to term with what happened. There is traps everywhere to stop them but there is always sneaky fuckers that get by. It doesn't matter if it's the actual bakery or the depots there is so many ways they can get in that traps can only do so much. Mostly the traps are there to make the health and safety guys feel warm and fuzzy that the company has taken all procedures they can. Spiders are the same, we've had some fucken monsters jump out of the trucks and crates but no matter how loudly you yell at them they just don't listen.
Both run when startled and they are both pretty good at seeking shelter so the threat to the person is pretty low. The rats and mice could bite, but I've never seen it happen, they are usually to quick on the run. Most of the big spiders we would see, I'm sure there is thousands of little ones we never saw, were big huntsmans and the like. Basically harmless, ugly as fuck and quick on the move.
I didn't say that :p

Yeah but like the killer crocodiles, the boxing kangaroos and everything else that can kill you it's all stories to keep people from visiting!
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Lets not forget the drop bears! ;)

Man, as for big reptiles, i lived to next to a bunch of bogs. And Alligators are fucking scary. I know crocs and gators arent the exact same, but they are similar.